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my name is red-我的名字叫红-第21部分

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lively  body;  her  mouth  which  never  stopped  moving;  and  her  eyebrows  and 
eyes  which  twitched  madly  and  signaled  to  me;  indeed;  this  is  how  she  was 
among  the  shopping  slave  women;  the  women  wearing  the  faded  and  loose 
caftans   of   poor   neighborhoods   and   among   the   crowds   that   had   lost 
themselves amid carrots; quinces and small bundles of onions and turnips。 
She stuffed the letter I gave her into her shalwar pants with an adept and 
mysterious gesture; as if the whole market were spying upon us。 She told me 
that  Shekure  was  thinking  of  me。  She  took  her  baksheesh  and  when  I  said; 
“Please;  make  haste  and  deliver  it  straightaway;”  she  indicated  that  she  still 
had quite a lot of work to do by gesturing toward her bundle and said that she 
only  could  deliver  the  letter  to  Shekure  toward  midday。  I  asked  her  to  tell 
Shekure that I’d gone to pay visits to the three young and renowned master 
The midday prayers had yet to be called。 A knock at the door: I opened it to 
find Black Effendi; who was among us for a while during our apprenticeships。 
We  embraced  and  kissed  on  the  cheeks。  I  was  wondering  whether  he’d 
brought some word from his Enishte; when he said that he wanted to look at 
the  pages  I’d  been  illustrating  and  at  my  paintings;  that  he’d  called  in 
friendship;  and  was  going  to  direct  a  question  to  me  in  the  name  of  Our 
Sultan。 “Very well;” I said; “ to answer?” 
He told me。 Very well; then! 
Style and Signature 
“As  long  as  the  number  of  worthless  artists  motivated  by  money  and  fame 
instead of the pleasure of seeing and a belief in their craft increases;” I said; 
“we  will  continue  to  witness  much  more  vulgarity  and  greed  akin  to  this 
preoccupation with ”style‘ and “signature。”“ I made this introduction because 
this was the way it is done; not because I believed what I said。 True ability and 
talent couldn’t be corrupted even by the love of gold or fame。 Furthermore; if 
truth be told; money and fame are the inalienable rights of the talented; as in 
my case; and only inspire us to greater feats。 But if I were to say this openly; 
the mediocre illustrators in the miniaturists’ division; rabid with envy; would 
pounce upon me; so; to prove that I love this work more than they themselves 
do; I’ll paint the picture of a tree on a grain of rice。 I’m well aware that this 
lust for ”style;“ ”signature’ and “character‘ has e to us all the way from 
the East by way of certain unfortunate Chinese masters who’ve been led astray 
under the influence of the Europeans; by pictures brought there from the West 
by Jesuit priests。 Nevertheless; let me tell you three parables that prise a 
recital on this topic。” 
Three Parables on Style and Signature 
Once upon a time; to the North of Herat; in a mountain castle; there lived a 
young  Khan  who  was  fascinated  with  illuminating  and  painting。  This  Khan 
loved  only  one  of  the  women  in  his  harem;  and  this  striking  Tatar  woman; 
whom  he  loved  madly;  loved  him  in  return。  They  engaged  in  such  bouts  of 
lovemaking; sweating until morning; and lived in such ecstasy that their only 
wish was to live eternally。 They soon discovered the best way to realize their 
wish was by opening books and gazing; for hours and hours and days on end; 
upon the astounding and flawless pictures of the old masters。 As they stared at 
these  perfect  renderings;  unfalteringly  reproduced;  they  felt  as  though  time 
would stop and their own felicity would mingle with the bliss of the golden 
age  revealed  in  the  stories。  In  the  royal  bookmaker’s  workshop;  there  was  a 
miniaturist; a master of masters; who made the same flawless pieces over and 
over  for  the  same  pages  of  the  same  books。  As  was  his  custom;  the  master 
depicted  the  anguish  of  Ferhad’s  love  for  Shirin;  or  the  loving  and  desirous 
glances between Leyla and Mejnun; or the duplicitous; suggestive looks Hüsrev 
and  Shirin  exchanged  in  that  fabled  heavenly  garden—with  one  slight 
alteration however: In place of these legendary lovers; the artist would paint 
the  Khan  and  his  Tatar  beauty。  Beholding  these  pages;  the  Khan  and  his 
beloved  were  thoroughly  convinced  that  their  rapture  would  never  end;  and 
they  showered  the  master  miniaturist  with  praises  and  gold。  Eventually; 
however;  this  adulation  caused  the  miniaturist  to  stray  from  good  sense; 
incited  by  the  Devil;  he  dismissed  the  fact  that  he  was  beholden  to  the  old 
masters for the perfection of his pictures; and haughtily assumed that a touch 
of his own genius would make his work even more appealing。 The Khan and 
his  beloved;  considering  these  innovations—the  personal  stylistic  touches  of 
the master miniaturist—nothing but imperfections; were deeply disturbed by 
them。  In  the  paintings;  which  the  Khan  observed  at  length;  he  felt  that  his 
former bliss had been disrupted in numerous ways; and he grew increasingly 
jealous of his Tatar beauty who was depicted with the individual touch of the 
painter。 So; with the intention of making his pretty Tatar jealous; he made love 
with  another  concubine。  His  beloved  was  so  bereft  upon  learning  of  this 
betrayal from the harem gossips that she silently hanged herself from a cedar 
tree in the harem courtyard。 The Khan; understanding the mistake he’d made 
and realizing that the miniaturist’s own fascination with style lay behind this 
terrible incident; immediately blinded this master artist whom the Devil had 
Once upon a time in a country in the East there was an elderly Sultan; a lover 
of  illustrations;  illuminations  and  miniatures;  who  lived  happily  with  his 
Chinese wife of unsurpassed beauty。 Alas; it soon happened that the Sultan’s 
handsome  son  from  a  previous  marriage  and  the  Sultan’s  young  wife  had 
bee enamored of each other。 The son; who lived in terror of his treachery 
against his father; and ashamed of his forbidden love; sequestered himself in 
the bookmaker’s workshop and gave himself over to painting。 Since he painted 
out  of  the  sorrow  and  strength  of  his  love;  each  of  his  paintings  was  so 
magnificent that admirers couldn’t distinguish them from the work of the old 
masters。  The  Sultan  took  great  pride  in  his  son;  and  his  young  Chinese  wife 
would say; “Yes; magnificent!” as she looked upon the paintings。 “Yet; time will 
surely pass; and if he doesn’t sign his work; no one will know that he was the 
one responsible for this majesty。” The Sultan responded; “If my son signs his 
paintings; won’t he be unjustly taking credit for the techniques and styles of 
the old masters; which he has imitated? Moreover; if he signs his work; won’t 
he be saying ”My paintings bear my imperfections‘?“ The Chinese wife; seeing 
that  she  wouldn’t  be  able  to  convince  her  elderly  husband  on  this  issue  of 
signature;  was;  however;  eventually  successful  in  persuading  his  young  son; 
confined;  as  always;  in  the  bookmaker’s  workshop。  Humiliated  at  having  to 
conceal his love; persuaded by his pretty young stepmother’s ideas and with 
the  Devil’s  coercion;  the  son  signed  his  name  in  a  corner  of  a  painting; 
between wall and grass; in a spot he assumed was beyond notice。 This; the first 
picture he signed; was a scene from Hüsrev and Shirin。 You know the one: After 
Hüsrev and Shirin are wed; Shiruye; Hüsrev’s son from his first marriage; falls 
in  love  with  Shirin。  One  night;  entering  their  bedchamber  through  the 
window;  Shiruye  swiftly  sinks  his  dagger  into  his  father’s  chest。  When  the 
Sultan saw his son’s depiction of this scene; he was overe with the sense 
that  the  painting  embodied  some  flaw;  he’d  seen  the  signature;  but  wasn’t 
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