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my name is red-我的名字叫红-第32部分

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everyone  was  aware  of  this。  There  was  jealousy  between  us;  even  open 
animosity  and  antagonism;  over  who  would  assume  leadership  of  the 
workshop  after  Master  Osman。  Now  they  expect  the  guilt  to  fall  on  my 
shoulders;  or  at  the  least;  that  the  Head  Treasurer;  and  under  his  influence; 
Our Sultan; will distance themselves from me; nay; from us。” 
“Who is this ”us’ of which you speak?“ 
“Those  of  us  who  believe  that  the  old  morality  ought  to  persist  at  the 
workshop; that we should follow the path laid by the Persian masters; that an 
artist shouldn’t illustrate just any scene for money alone。 In place of weapons; 
armies;  slaves  and  conquests;  we  believe  that  the  old  myths;  legends  and 
stories ought to be introduced anew into our books。 We shouldn’t forgo the 
old models。 Genuine miniaturists shouldn’t loiter at the shops in the bazaar 
and paint any old thing; depictions of indecency; for a few extra kurush from 
anybody who happens by。 His Excellency Our Sultan would find us justified。” 
“You’re incriminating yourself senselessly;” I said so he might be done with 
his ranting。 “I’m convinced that the atelier could not harbor anybody capable 
of  mitting  such  a  crime。  You’re  all  brethren。  There’s  no  great  harm  in 
illustrating  a  few  subjects  that  haven’t  been  depicted  previously;  at  least  no 
harm so great as to be an occasion for enmity。” 
As happened when I first heard the horrid news; I had an epiphany of sorts。 
Elegant  Effendi’s  murderer  was  one  of  the  premier  masters  in  the  palace 
workshop and he was a member of the crowd before me; climbing the hill that 
led to the cemetery。 I was also convinced that the murderer would continue 
with his devilry and sedition; that he was an enemy of the book I was making; 
and  most  probably;  that  he’d  visited  my  house  to  pick  up  some  work 
illustrating  and  painting。  Had  Butterfly;  too;  like  most  of  the  artists  who 
frequented my house; fallen in love with Shekure? As he made his assertions; 
had he forgotten the times when I’d requested that he paint pictures that were 
contrary to his point of view; or was he just needling me with expert skill? 
Nay; I thought a little while later; he couldn’t be needling me。 Butterfly; like 
the  other  master  illustrators;  obviously  owed  me  a  debt  of  gratitude:  With 
money  and  gifts  to  miniaturists  dwindling;  due  to  the  wars  and  lack  of 
interest on the part of Our Sultan; the sole significant source of extra ine 
had for some time been what they earned working for me。 I knew they were 
jealous of one another over my attentions; and for this reason—but not only 
for this reason—I met with them individually at my house; hardly a basis for 
hostility  toward  me。  All  of  my  miniaturists  were  mature  enough  to  behave 
intelligently;  to  sincerely  find  a  reason  to  admire  a  man  to  whom  they  were 
obliged for their own profit。 
To  relieve  the  silence  and  ensure  that  the  previous  topic  of  conversation 
wouldn’t be revisited; I said; “Oh; will His wonders never cease! They’re able 
to take the coffin up that hill as fast as they brought it down。” 
Butterfly smiled sweetly showing all his teeth: “Due to the cold。” 
Could  this  one  actually  kill  a  man;  I  wondered;  for  example;  out  of  envy? 
Might  he  kill  me?  He  had  the  following  excuse:  This  man  was  debasing  my 
religion。  Nay;  but  he’s  a  great  master;  a  perfect  embodiment  of  talent;  why 
should  he  resort  to  murder?  Age  means  not  only  straining  oneself  climbing 
hills; but also; I gather; not being so afraid of death。 It means a lack of desire; 
entering into a slave girl’s bedchamber; not in a fit of excitement; but out of 
custom。 In a burst of intuition; I told him to his face the decision I’d made: 
“I’m not continuing with the book any longer。” 
“What?” said Butterfly as his expression changed。 
“There’s some kind of ill…fortune in it。 Our Sultan has cut off the funding。 
You’re to tell Olive and Stork; as well。” 
Perhaps  he  would  have  inquired  further;  but  we  found  ourselves  on  the 
slopes of the graveyard amid tightly spaced towering cypresses; high ferns and 
tombstones。 As the great crowd encircled the grave site; my only clue that the 
body was at that very moment being lowered into the grave was the increasing 
intensity of the weeping and sobbing and the exclamations of bismillahi and 
ala milleti Resulullah。 
“Uncover his face pletely;” someone said。 
They  were  removing  the  white  shroud;  and  they  must’ve  been  eye  to  eye 
with the corpse if indeed there was an eye remaining in that smashed head。 I 
was in the back and I couldn’t see anything。 I’d once gazed into the eyes of 
Death; not at a grave site; in an entirely different place… 
A memory: Thirty years ago; Our Sultan’s grandfather; Denizen of Paradise; 
decided  once  and  for  all  to  take  Cyprus  from  the  Veians。  Sheikhulislam 
Ebussuut   Effendi;   recalling   that   this   island   was   once   designated   a 
missariat for Mecca and Medina; issued a fatwa which more or less stated 
that it was inappropriate for an island which had helped sustain holy sites to 
remain under Christian infidel control。 In turn; the difficult task of informing 
the  Veians  of  this  unforeseen  decision;  that  they  must  surrender  their 
island;  fell  to  me。  As  a  result;  I  was  able  to  tour  the  cathedrals  of  Venice。 
Though I marveled at their bridges and palazzos; I was most enchanted by the 
pictures  hanging  in  Veian  homes。  Nevertheless;  in  the  midst  of  this 
bewilderment;  trusting  in  the  hospitality  displayed  by  the  Veians;  I 
delivered  the  menacing  correspondence;  informing  them  in  a  haughty; 
supercilious  fashion  that  Our  Sultan  desired  Cyprus。  The  Veians  were  so 
angry that in their congress; which had been hastily convened; it was decided 
that even to discuss such a letter was unacceptable。 Furious mobs had forced 
me to confine myself to the Doge’s palazzo。 And when some rogues managed 
to get past the guards and doorkeepers and had set to strangling me; two of 
the  Doge’s  personal  musketeers  succeeded  in  escorting  me  out  one  of  the 
secret passageways to an exit that opened onto the canal。 There; in a fog not 
unlike  this  one;  I  thought  for  an  instant  that  the  tall  and  pale  gondolier 
dressed in white; who’d taken me by the arm; was none other than Death。 I 
caught sight of my reflection in his eyes。 
Longingly;  I  dreamed  of  finishing  my  book  in  secret  and  returning  to 
Venice。 I approached the grave; which had been carefully covered with dirt: At 
this  moment;  angels  are  interrogating  him  above;  asking  him  whether  he  is 
male  or  female;  his  religion  and  whom  he  recognizes  as  his  prophet。  The 
possibility of my own death came to mind。 
A crow alighted beside me。 I gazed lovingly into Black’s eyes and asked him 
to take my arm and acpany me on the way back。 I told him I expected him 
at the house early the next morning to continue working on the book。 I had 
indeed imagined my own death; and realized; once again; that the book must 
be pleted; whatever the cost。 
They threw cold; muddy earth onto the battered and disfigured corpse of ill…
fated Elegant Effendi and I wept more than any of them。 I shouted; “I want to 
die with him!” and “Let me share his grave!” and they held me by the waist so 
I wouldn’t fall in。 I gasped for air and they pressed their palms to my forehead; 
drawing  my  head  back  so  I  might  breathe。  By  the  glances  of  the  deceased’s 
relatives;  I  sensed  I  might  have  exaggerated  my  sobs  and  wailing;  I  pulled 
myself together。 Based upon my excessive sorrow the workshop gossips might 
suppose that Elegant Effendi and I had been in love。 
I  hid  behind  a  plane  tree  until  the  funeral  ended  to  avoid  drawing  more 
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