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the pool。 Later they had moved on to the sloping lawn of Sandra's
parents' estate。

Chloe shifted slowly in the tub。 The heat of the water had dissipated;
but was replaced by the heat of her body as she remembered。 It had been
warm that night。 The crescent moon had been brilliant; repeated in the
white smile that split Ross's dark beard when he looked down at her。

〃You're a vision; Chloe;〃 he whispered; sharing her fascination。 〃Are
you real?〃

〃I'm real;〃 she whispered back and was suddenly; uncharacteristically

But further words were unnecessary。 The guest house where Ross was
staying was on a far corner of the estate。 He took her there; pausing
along the way to kiss her; to assure her with a protective embrace that
he wouldn't hurt her; and he hadn't。 He had been a masterful lover; so
very gentle undressing her; so very subtle baring his potentially
frightening body; so very patient as he coaxed her to heights of desire;
then tender when he took her virginity。 When tenderness gave way to
driving passion; she rose with him; reveling in an ecstasy she had never
known before。

Ross's lovemaking had been a magical experience。 She would always
cherish it。

She stirred in the tub; suspended between the world of memories and the
present。 In a final indulgence; she submerged her hand and touched the
skin Ross had touched; traced the curves he had traced。 Thoughts of him
were fresh and near。 She sighed in delight。

Then her back slipped on the porcelain。 With a jerk; she sat up; but not
before her hair got wet。 Hissing her annoyance; she reached for a towel
to wrap around her head; then soaped herself quickly and climbed out。 A
lovely trip into the past had ended in frustration。 Satisfaction would
not be forthing。 Nor would there be a respite from the guilt she
still felt。

For the guilt was only in part related to the act of loving Ross。 Its
other part was Crystal。 Crystal…her twin。 Crystal…her alter ego。
Crystal…who had never known that same joy; but should have; should have
at least once before her death such a short time later。

The long ponytail bobbed against her neck as Chloe jogged on the beach。
Indian summer had e to Rhode Island; bringing bright sun and a heat
that was unusual for mid…October。 She wasn't about to plain; though。
All too soon her daily run would require a sweat suit; hat; and gloves。
Now she delighted in the freedom of shorts and tank top; which allowed
her arms and legs to breathe。 The sweat that dotted her brow trickled
across her temple and down along her hairline。 It glistened on her skin;
adding glow。

It had been two weeks since she had seen Ross Stephenson; two weeks
since his presence had stunned her。 He had a way of doing that; she
mused; as she dodged a piece of driftwood that had washed up on the
beach。 The slap of her sneakers on the wet sand evened out。

Eleven years before; Ross had scored a coup; conquering her mind and
body within hours。 Their encounter two weeks ago had been under vastly
different circumstances; but it was nearly as devastating。

The physical attraction between them hadn't diminished。 If anything; it
was more awesome than before; if her recollection of that kiss in the
Wayward Sailor's kitchen was correct。 He had to have known how he would
affect her; which made his disappearance the next morning all the more

Chloe hadn't known what to expect…whether Ross would wake her or meet
her downstairs for breakfast。 She had assumed that; at the very least;
he would drive her back to her car。 But a maid had awakened her at
seven; putting a pot of fresh coffee and a plate of sweet rolls on the
small stand by her bed before scurrying back out; and when Chloe reached
the front desk; she learned that Ross had already checked out。

She was immediately disappointed; then annoyed with herself It was
better this way。 She was too vulnerable; if the previous night's kiss
meant anything。 Ross made her feel beautiful things; things she didn't

She was alive。 That was enough。 She reasoned that it was far better that
he should be gone from her life。

When the day manager had handed her Ross's note; though; she was livid。
〃Chloe;〃 he had scrawled in a bold hand; 〃Had to leave to catch the
early plane。 Your car is taken care of Someone from the inn will take
you there。〃 It was signed; 〃Love; Ross。〃 and was punctuated with a
period as a statement of fact。

He had no business doing that; had no business using the word love so
blithely。 But that was the least of it。 It seemed that he had paid her
tab at the inn and the cost of a new battery and its installation。

She ran on down the beach; struggling to forget about Ross; to push him
from mind; to focus on work。 But he remained; along with her wounded
pride。 She had stewed all the way from Rye to Little pton that
morning。 On arriving home; she had gotten the address of the Hansen
Corporation and sent a check out in the mail that same day; with a note
that was much less personal than his。

〃Enclosed is a check to cover the expenses I incurred last night and
this morning。 Chloe Macdaniel。〃 She hadn't asked him to take care of
her。 She didn't need him to take care of her。 She didn't want to feel
beholden to him in any way; shape; or form; because one thing was clear。
She had picked herself up after Crystal's death and built a new life。
She wasn't letting anything threaten it。

With firm resolve she made a gentle semicircle and jogged more slowly
back toward where she had left her towel on the rocks at the sea side of
her home。

As she approached; though; it wasn't the house that caught her eye but
the tall figure that moved away from it and began to walk to the beach。
She stopped short。

He was dressed in casual navy slacks and a plaid shirt that was
unbuttoned at the neck and rolled to the elbows。 His dark hair tumbled
in disarray across his brow。 Even from a distance he looked threatening
in a divine kind of way。

He must have been watching for her; must have stood by the living room
window until she had e into sight。 If Lee hadn't been there to answer
the door; he might have left。 Now she was caught…and annoyed。

Tipping up a defiant chin; she began walking。 Ross made no move to meet
her halfway; just watched and waited; but his stance suggested an
annoyance of his own; along with a touch of the imperious。 Despite his
casual clothes; he looked formal。

She came to a halt before him; nodded; and offered a polite 〃Ross〃 in
greeting; before shifting beyond him to retrieve her towel。

〃What in the hell did you do it for; Chloe?〃 He was annoyed; all right。

〃Do what?〃 She straightened slowly。

His eyes bore into her。 〃Send that check。 You didn't lose a minute; did
you? You must have had it in the mail that same afternoon。〃

〃Shouldn't I have?〃

〃No。 There was no need。〃

〃I thought there was。 You had no cause to pick up the check; either for
the inn or the battery。 I'm not helpless。 I can take care of myself!〃

A muscle worked in his jaw。 〃Then it was a matter of principle?〃

〃Principle? I wasn't thinking about principle。 I simply saw it as my
responsibility。 It was kind of you to offer to pay; but I feel more
fortable this way。 I wanted to take care of it myself〃

〃Ah。 The independent woman。 So that's how you intend to live the rest of
your life?〃 he challenged; and drawled; 〃All by yourself。?〃

Chloe was startled by the turn of the conversation。 〃This is crazy;〃 she
said。 〃You show up here; out of the blue; without so much as a civil
hello; and start criticizing me? I don't have to defend my lifestyle to
you or anyone else!〃 She turned away; then turned right back; confused。
〃Why are you here; Ross? Did you e all the way from Park Avenue to
call me out for repaying your loan? Little pton is on the way to
nowhere。 We're at the tip of a peninsula。 So don't tell me you were just
passing through。〃

〃No。〃 His features had begun to relax; though his eyes remained clear
and direct。 〃I wanted to see you。〃

Chloe could deal with the angry Ross more easily than she could with the
gentler one。 Unfortable now; she bent for her towel and straightened
holding it tight。 〃You 
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