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红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第44部分

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this dark forest。 Here; seenonly by his eyes; the scarlet letter need not burn into the bosom ofthe fallen woman! Here; seen only by her eyes; Arthur Dimmesdale;false to God and man; might be for one moment true!  He started at a thought that suddenly occurred to him。  〃Hester;〃 cried he; 〃here is a new horror! Roger Chillingworth knowsyour purpose to reveal his true character。 Will he continue; then;to keep our secret? What will now be the course of his revenge?〃  〃There is a strange secrecy in his nature;〃 replied Hesterthoughtfully; 〃and it has grown upon him by the hidden practices ofhis revenge。 I deem it not likely that he will betray the secret。 Hewill doubtless seek other means of satiating his dark passion。〃  〃And I!… how am I to live longer; breathing the same air with thisdeadly enemy?〃 exclaimed Arthur Dimmesdale; shrinking withinhimself; and pressing his hand nervously against his heart… agesture that had grown involuntary with him。 〃Think for me; Hester!Thou art strong。 Resolve for me!〃  〃Thou must dwell no longer with this man;〃 said Hester; slowly andfirmly。 〃Thy heart must be no longer under his evil eye!〃  〃It were far worse than death!〃 replied the minister。 〃But how toavoid it? What choice remains to me? Shall I lie down again on thesewithered leaves; where I cast myself when thou didst tell me what hewas? Must I sink down there; and die at once?〃  〃Alas; what a ruin has befallen thee!〃 said Hester; with thetears; gushing into her eyes。 〃Wilt thou die for very weakness?There is no other cause!〃  〃The judgment of God is on me;〃 answered the conscience…strickenpriest。 〃It is too mighty for me to struggle with!〃  〃Heaven would show mercy;〃 rejoined Hester; 〃hadst thou but thestrength to take advantage of it。〃  〃Be thou strong for me!〃 answered he。 〃Advise me what to do。〃  〃Is the world; then; so narrow?〃 exclaimed Hester Prynne; fixing herdeep eyes on the minister's; and instinctively exercising a magicpower over a spirit so shattered and subdued that it could hardly holditself erect。 〃Doth the universe lie within the pass of yondertown; which only a little time ago was but a leaf…strewn desert; aslonely as this around us? Whither leads yonder forest…track?Backward to the settlement; thou sayest! Yes; but onward; too!Deeper it goes; and deeper; into the wilderness; less plainly to beseen at every step; until; some few miles hence; the yellow leaveswill show no vestige of the white man's tread。 There thou art free! Sobrief a journey would bring thee from a world where thou hast beenmost wretched; to one where thou mayest still be happy! Is there notshade enough in all this boundless forest to hide thy heart from thegaze of Roger Chillingworth?〃  〃Yes; Hester; but only under the fallen leaves!〃 replied theminister; with a sad smile。  〃Then there is the broad pathway of the sea!〃 continued Hester。〃It brought thee hither。 If thou so choose; it will bear thee backagain。 In our native land; whether in some remote rural village orin vast London… or; surely; in Germany; in France; in pleasantItaly… thou wouldst be beyond his power and knowledge! And what hastthou to do with all these iron men; and their opinions? They have keptthy better part in bondage too long already!〃  〃It cannot be!〃 answered the minister; listening as if he werecalled upon to realise a dream。 〃I am powerless to go! Wretched andsinful as I am; I have had no other thought than to drag on my earthlyexistence in the sphere where Providence hath placed me。 Lost as myown soul is; I would still do what I may for other human souls! I darenot quit my post; though an unfaithful sentinel; whose sure rewardis death and dishonour; when his dreary watch shall e to an end!〃  〃Thou art crushed under this seven years' weight of misery;〃 repliedHester; fervently resolved to buoy him up with her own energy。 〃Butthou shalt leave it all behind thee! It shall not cumber thy steps; asthou treadest along the forest…path; neither shalt thou freight theship with it; if thou prefer to cross the sea。 Leave this wreck andruin here where it hath happened。 Meddle no more with it! Begin allanew! Hast thou exhausted possibility in the failure of this orial? Not so! The future is yet full of trial and success。 There ishappiness to be enjoyed! There is good to be done! Exchange this falselife of thine for a true one。 Be; if thy spirit summon thee to sucha mission; the teacher and apostle of the red men。 Or… as is morethy nature… be a scholar and a sage among the wisest and the mostrenowned of the cultivated world。 Preach! Write! Act! Do anything;save to lie down and die! Give up this name of Arthur Dimmesdale;and make thyself another; and a high one; such as thou canst wearwithout fear or shame。 Why wouldst thou tarry so much as one other dayin the torments that have so gnawed into thy life!… that have madethee feeble to will and to do!… that will leave thee powerless even torepent! Up; and away!〃  〃O Hester!〃 cried Arthur Dimmesdale; in whose eyes a fitful light;kindled by her enthusiasm; flashed up and died away; 〃thou tellestof running a race to a man whose knees are tottering beneath him! Imust die here! There is not the strength or courage left me to ventureinto the wide; strange; difficult world; alone!〃  It was the last expression of the despondency of a broken spirit。 Helacked energy to grasp the better fortune that seemed within hisreach。  He repeated the word。  〃Alone; Hester!〃  〃Thou shalt not go alone!〃 answered she; in a deep whisper。   Then; all was spoken!                             XVIII。                      A FLOOD OF SUNSHINE。  ARTHUR DIMMESDALE gazed into Hester's face with a look in which hopeand joy shone out; indeed; but with fear betwixt them; and a kind ofhorror at her boldness; who had spoken what he vaguely hinted at;but dared not speak。  But Hester Prynne; with a mind of native courage and activity; andfor so long a period not merely estranged; but outlawed; from society;had habituated herself to such latitude of speculation as wasaltogether foreign to the clergyman。 She had wandered; without rule orguidance; in a moral wilderness; as vast; as intricate and shadowy; asthe untamed forest; amid the gloom of which they were now holding acolloquy that was to decide their fate。 Her intellect and heart hadtheir home; as it were; in desert places; where she roamed as freelyas the wild Indian in his woods。 For years past she had looked fromthis estranged point of view at human institutions; and whateverpriests or legislators had established; criticising all with hardlymore reverence than the Indian would feel for the clerical band; thejudicial robe; the pillory; the gallows; the fireside; or thechurch。 The tendency of her fate and fortunes had been to set herfree。 The scarlet letter was her passport into regions where otherwomen dared not tread。 Shame; Despair; Solitude! These had been herteachers… stern and wild ones… and they had made her strong; buttaught her much amiss。  The minister; on the other hand; had never gone through anexperience calculated to lead him beyond the scope of generallyreceived laws; although; in a single instance; he had so fearfullytransgressed one of the most sacred of them。 But this had been a sinof passion; not of principle; nor even purpose。 Since that wretchedepoch; he had watched; with morbid zeal and minuteness; not hisacts… for those it was easy to arrange… but each breath of emotion;and his every thought。 At the head of the social system; as theclergyman of that day stood; he was only the more trammelled by itsregulations; its principles; and even its prejudices。 As a priest; theframework of his order inevitably hemmed him in。 As a man who had oncesinned; but who kept his conscience all alive and painfullysensitive by the fretting of an unhealed wound; he might have beensupposed safer within the line of virtue than if he had never sinnedat all。  Thus; we seem to see that; as regarded Hester Prynne; the wholeseven years of outlaw and ignominy had been little other than apreparation for this very hour。 But Arthur Dimmesdale! Were such a manonce more to fall; what plea could be urged in extenuation of hiscrime? None; unless it avail him somewhat; that he was broken downby long and exquisite suffering; that his mind was darkened andcon
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