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红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第48部分

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y adapted to it the man。 In furtherance of this choice; it sohappened that a ship lay in the harbour; one of those questionablecruisers; frequent at that day; which; without being absolutelyoutlaws of the deep; yet roamed over its surface with a remarkableirresponsibility of character。 This vessel had recently arrived fromthe Spanish Main; and; within three days' time; would sail forBristol。 Hester Prynne… whose vocation; as a self…enlisted Sister ofCharity; had brought her acquainted with the captain and crew… couldtake upon herself to secure the passage of two individuals and achild; with all the secrecy which circumstances rendered more thandesirable。  The minister had inquired of Hester; with no little interest; theprecise time at which the vessel might be expected to depart。 It wouldprobably be on the fourth day from the present。 〃That is mostfortunate!〃 he had then said to himself。 Now; why the Reverend Mr。Dimmesdale considered it so very fortunate; we hesitate to reveal。Nevertheless… to hold nothing back from the reader… it was because; onthe third day from the present; he was to preach the ElectionSermon; and; as such an occasion formed an honourable epoch in thelife of a New England clergyman; he could not have chanced upon a moresuitable mode and time of terminating his professional career。 〃Atleast; they shall say of me;〃 thought this exemplary man; 〃that Ileave no public duty unperformed; nor ill performed!〃 Sad; indeed;that an introspection so profound and acute as this poor minister'sshould be so miserably deceived! We have had; and may still have;worse things to tell of him; but none; we apprehend; so pitiably weak;no evidence; at once so slight and irrefragable; of a subtledisease; that had long since begun to eat into the real substance ofhis character。 No man; for any considerable period; can wear oneface to himself and another to the multitude; without finallygetting bewildered as to which may be the true。  The excitement of Mr。 Dimmesdale's feelings; as he returned from hisinterview with Hester; lent him unaccustomed physical energy; andhurried him townward at a rapid pace。 The pathway among the woodsseemed wilder; more uncouth with its rude natural obstacles and lesstrodden by the foot of man than he remembered it on his outwardjourney。 But he leaped across the plashy places; thrust himselfthrough the clinging underbrush; climbed the ascent; plunged intothe hollow; and overcame; in short; all the difficulties of the track;with an unweariable activity that astonished him。 He could not butrecall how feebly; and with what frequent pauses for breath; he hadtoiled over the same ground; only two days before。 As he drew near thetown; he took an impression of change from the series of familiarobjects that presented themselves。 It seemed not yesterday; not one;nor two; but many days; or even years ago; since he had quittedthem。 There; indeed; was each former trace of the street; as heremembered it; and all the peculiarities of the houses; with the duemultitude of gable…peaks; and a weather…cock at every point wherehis memory suggested one。 Not the less; however; came thisimportunately obtrusive sense of change。 The same was true as regardedthe acquaintances whom he met; and all the well…known shapes ofhuman life; about the little town。 They looked neither older noryounger now; the beards of the aged were no whiter; nor could thecreeping babe of yesterday walk on his feet to…day; it wasimpossible to describe in what respect they differed from theindividuals on whom he had so recently bestowed a parting glance;and yet the minister's deepest sense seemed to inform him of theirmutability。 A similar impression struck him most remarkably; as hepassed under the walls of his own church。 The edifice had so verystrange; and yet so familiar; an aspect; that Mr。 Dimmesdale's mindvibrated between two ideas; either that he had seen it only in a dreamhitherto; or that he was merely dreaming about it now。  This phenomenon; in the various shapes which it assumed; indicatedno external change; but so sudden and important a change in thespectator of the familiar scene; that the intervening space of asingle day had operated on his consciousness like the lapse ofyears。 The minister's own will; and Hester's will; and the fate thatgrew between them; had wrought this transformation。 It was the sametown as heretofore; but the same minister returned not from theforest。 He might have said to the friends who greeted him; 〃I am notthe man for whom you take me! I left him yonder in the forest;withdrawn into a secret dell; by a mossy tree…trunk; and near amelancholy brook! Go; seek your minister; and see if his emaciatedfigure; his thin cheek; his white; heavy; pain…wrinkled brow; be notflung down there; like a cast…off garment!〃 His friends; no doubt;would still have insisted with him… 〃Thou art thyself the man!〃… butthe error would have been their own; not his。  Before Mr。 Dimmesdale reached home; his inner man gave him otherevidences of a revolution in the sphere of thought and feeling。 Intruth; nothing short of a total change of dynasty and moral code; inthat interior kingdom; was adequate to account for the impulses nowmunicated to the unfortunate and startled minister。 At every stephe was incited to do some strange; wild; wicked thing or other; with asense that it would be at once involuntary and intentional; in spiteof himself; yet growing out of a profounder self than that whichopposed the impulse。 For instance; he met one of his own deacons。The good old man addressed him with the paternal affection andpatriarchal privilege; which his venerable age; his upright and holycharacter; and his station in the Church; entitled him to use; and;conjoined with this; the deep; almost worshipping respect; which theminister's professional and private claims alike demanded。 Never wasthere a more beautiful example of how the majesty of age and wisdommay port with the obeisance and respect enjoined upon it; as from alower social rank; and inferior order of endowment; towards ahigher。 Now; during a conversation of some two or three momentsbetween the Reverend Mr。 Dimmesdale and this excellent andhoary…bearded deacon; it was only by the most careful self…controlthat the former could refrain from uttering certain blasphemoussuggestions that rose into his mind; respecting themunion…supper。 He absolutely trembled and turned pale as ashes;lest his tongue should wag itself; in utterance of these horriblematters; and plead his own consent for so doing; without his havingfairly given it。 And; even with this terror in his heart; he couldhardly avoid laughing; to imagine how the sanctified old patriarchaldeacon would have been petrified by his minister's impiety。  Again; another incident of the same nature。 Hurrying along thestreet; the Reverend Mr。 Dimmesdale encountered the eldest femalemember of his church; a most pious and exemplary old dame; poor;widowed; lonely; and with a heart as full of reminiscences about herdead husband and children; and her dead friends of long ago; as aburial…ground is full of storied gravestones。 Yet all this; whichwould else have been such heavy sorrow; was made almost a solemn joyto her devout old soul; by religious consolations and the truths ofScripture; wherewith she had fed herself continually for more thanthirty years。 And; since Mr。 Dimmesdale had taken her in charge; thegood grandam's chief earthly fort… which; unless it had beenlikewise a heavenly fort; could have been none at all… was tomeet her pastor; whether casually; or of set purpose; and be refreshedwith a word of warm; fragrant; heaven…breathing Gospel truth; from hisbeloved lips; into her dulled; but rapturously attentive ear。 But;on this occasion; up to the moment of putting his lips to the oldwoman's ear; Mr。 Dimmesdale; as the great enemy of souls would haveit; could recall no text of Scripture; nor aught else; except a brief;pithy; and; as it then appeared to him; unanswerable argumentagainst the immortality of the human soul。 The instilment thereof intoher mind would probably have caused this aged sister to drop downdead; at once; as by the effect of an intensely poisonous infusion。What he really did whisper; the minister could never afterwardsrecollect。 There was; perh
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