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红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第8部分

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rnamental article of dress; but how it wasto be worn; or what rank; honour; and dignity; in by…past times;were signified by it; was a riddle which (so evanescent are thefashions of the world in these particulars) I saw little hope ofsolving。 And yet it strangely interested me。 My eyes fastenedthemselves upon the old scarlet letter; and would not be turned aside。Certainly; there was some deep meaning in it; most worthy ofinterpretation; and which; as it were; streamed forth from themystic symbol; subtly municating itself to my sensibilities; butevading the analysis of my mind。  While thus perplexed… and cogitating; among other hypotheses;whether the letter might not have been one of those decorationswhich the white men used to contrive; in order to take the eyes ofIndians… I happened to place it on my breast。 It seemed to me… thereader may smile; but must not doubt my word… it seemed to me; then;that I experienced a sensation not altogether physical; yet almost so;as of burning heat; and as if the letter were not of red cloth; butred…hot iron。 I shuddered; and involuntarily let it fall upon thefloor。  In the absorbing contemplation of the scarlet letter; I had hithertoneglected to examine a small roll of dingy paper; around which ithad been twisted。 This I now opened; and had the satisfaction to find;recorded by the old Surveyor's pen; a reasonably pleteexplanation of the whole affair。 There were several foolscap sheets;containing many particulars respecting the life and conversation ofone Hester Prynne; who appeared to have been rather a noteworthypersonage in the view of our ancestors。 She had flourished duringthe period between the early days of Massachusetts and the close ofthe seventeenth century。 Aged persons; alive in the time of Mr。Surveyor Pue; and from whose oral testimony he had made up hisnarrative; remembered her; in their youth; as a very old; but notdecrepit woman; of a stately and solemn aspect。 It had been her habit;from an almost immemorial date; to go about the country as a kind ofvoluntary nurse; and doing whatever miscellaneous good she might;taking upon herself; likewise; to give advice in all matters;especially those of the heart; by which means; as a person of suchpropensities inevitably must; she gained from many people thereverence due to an angel; but; I should imagine; was looked upon byothers as an intruder and a nuisance。 Prying further into themanuscript; I found the record of other doings and sufferings ofthis singular woman; for most of which the reader is referred to thestory entitled 〃THE SCARLET LETTER〃; and it should be bornecarefully in mind; that the main facts of that story are authorisedand authenticated by the document of Mr Surveyor Pue。 The originalpapers; together with the scarlet letter itself… a most curious relic…are still in my possession; and shall be freely exhibited towhomsoever; induced by the great interest of the narrative; may desirea sight of them。 I must not be understood as affirming; that; in thedressing up of the tale; and imagining the motives and modes ofpassion that influenced the characters who figure in it; I haveinvariably confined myself within the limits of the old Surveyor'shalf…a…dozen sheets of foolscap。 On the contrary; I have allowedmyself; as to such points; nearly or altogether as much license asif the facts had been entirely of my own invention。 What I contend foris the authenticity of the outline。  This incident recalled my mind; in some degree; to its old track。There seemed to be here the groundwork of a tale。 It impressed me asif the ancient Surveyor; in his garb of a hundred years gone by; andwearing his immortal wig… which was buried with him; but did notperish in the grave… had met me in the deserted chamber of theCustom…House。 In his port was the dignity of one who had borne hisMajesty's mission; and who was therefore illuminated by a ray ofthe splendour that shone so dazzlingly about the throne。 How unlike;alas! the hang…dog look of a republican official; who; as theservant of the people; feels himself less than the least; and belowthe lowest of his masters。 With his own ghostly hand; the obscurelyseen but majestic figure had imparted to me the scarlet symbol; andthe little roll of explanatory manuscript。 With his own ghostly voice;he had exhorted me; on the sacred consideration of my filial dutyand reverence towards him… who might reasonably regard himself as myofficial ancestor… to bring his mouldy and moth…eaten lucubrationsbefore the public。 〃Do this;〃 said the ghost of Mr。 Surveyor Pue;emphatically nodding the head that looked so imposing within itsmemorable wig; 〃do this; and the profit shall be all your own! Youwill shortly need it; for it is not in your days as it was in mine;when a man's office was a life…lease; and oftentimes an heirloom。 But;I charge you; in this matter of old Mistress Prynne; give to yourpredecessor's memory the credit which will be rightfully due!〃 And Isaid to the ghost of Mr。 Surveyor Pue; 〃I will!〃  On Hester Prynne's story; therefore; I bestowed much thought。 It wasthe subject of my meditations for many an hour; while pacing to andfro across my room; or traversing; with a hundred…fold repetition; thelong extent from the front…door of the Custom…House to theside…entrance; and back again。 Great were the weariness andannoyance of the old Inspector and the Weighers and Gaugers; whoseslumbers were disturbed by the unmercifully lengthened tramp of mypassing and returning footsteps。 Remembering their own formerhabits; they used to say that the Surveyor was walking thequarter…deck。 They probably fancied that my sole object… and;indeed; the sole object for which a sane man could ever put himselfinto voluntary motion… was; to get an appetite for dinner。 And tosay the truth; an appetite; sharpened by the east wind thatgenerally blew along the passage; was the only valuable result ofso much indefatigable exercise。 So little adapted is the atmosphere ofa Custom…House to the delicate harvest of fancy and sensibility; that;had I remained there through ten Presidencies yet to e; I doubtwhether the tale of 〃The Scarlet Letter〃 would ever have beenbrought before the public eye。 My imagination was a tarnishedmirror。 It would not reflect; or only with miserable dimness; thefigures with which I did my best to people it。 The characters of thenarrative would not be warmed and rendered malleable by any heatthat I could kindle at my intellectual forge。 They would takeneither the glow of passion nor the tenderness of sentiment; butretained all the rigidity of dead corpses; and stared me in the facewith a fixed and ghastly grin of contemptuous defiance。 〃What have youto do with us?〃 that expression seemed to say。 〃The little power youmight once have possessed over the tribe of unrealities is gone! Youhave bartered it for a pittance of the public gold。 Go; then; and earnyour wages!〃 In short; the almost torpid creatures of my own fancytwitted me with imbecility; and not without fair occasion。  It was not merely during the three hours and a half which UncleSam claimed as his share of my daily life; that this wretched numbnessheld possession of me。 It went with me on my sea…shore walks; andrambles into the country; whenever… which was seldom andreluctantly… I bestirred myself to seek that invigorating charm ofNature; which used to give me such freshness and activity ofthought; the moment that I stepped across the threshold of the OldManse。 The same torpor; as regarded the capacity for intellectualeffort; acpanied me home; and weighed upon me in the chamberwhich I most absurdly termed my study。 Nor did it quit me; when;late at night; I sat in the deserted parlour; lighted only by theglimmering coal…fire and the moon; striving to picture forth imaginaryscenes; which; the next day; might flow out on the brightening page inmany…hued description。  If the imaginative faculty refused to act at such an hour; itmight well be deemed a hopeless case。 Moonlight; in a familiar room;falling so white upon the carpet; and showing all its figures sodistinctly… making every object so minutely visible; yet so unlike amorning or noontide visibility… is a medium the most suitable for aromance…writer to get acquainted with his illusive guests。 There isthe little domesti
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