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  I do not wonder that barren Silana has no sense of maternal affection。 One who has never borne a son naturally would not know how to bear the loss of one。 Nature renders either hateful or indifferent those objects that we do not ourselves experience… I am amazed that even the most skillful sorcery of words could make you pay the least attention to such barbarous inhumanity…
  Don't you know; my son; the affection all mothers naturally bear their children? Our love is unbounded; incessantly fed by that tenderness unknown to all but ourselves。 Nothing should be more dear to us than what we have bought with the risk of our lives; nothing more precious than what we have endured such grief and pain to procure。 These are so acute and unbearable that if it were not for the vision of a successful birth; which makes us forget our agonies; generation would soon cease。

Do you forget that nine full months I carried you in my womb and nourished you with my blood? How likely is it; then; that I would destroy the dear child who cost me so much anguish to bring into the world? It may be that the just gods were angry at my excessive love of you; and used this way to punish me。
  Unhappy Agrippina! You are suspected of a crime of which nobody could really think you guilty… What does the title of empress mean to me; if I am accused of a crime that even the basest of women would abhor? Unhappy are those who breathe the air of the court。 The wisest of people are not secure from storms in that harbor。 There even a calm is dangerous。 But why blame the court? Can that be the cause of my being suspected of parricide? …
  Tell me; why should I plot against your life? To plunge myself into a worse fate? That's not likely。 What hopes could induce me to build upon your downfall? I know that the lust for empire often corrupts the laws of nature; that justice has no sword to punish those who offend in this way; and that ambition disregards wrong so long as it succeeds in its aim… Nay; to what deity could I turn for absolution after I had mitteed so black a deed?
  What difficulties have I not surmounted to crown your brow with laurels? But I insult your gratitude by reminding you of my services。 My innocence ought not to defend itself but to rely wholly on your justice。


  Lord Chesterfield
  March 6; 
  Dear Boy;
  Whatever you do; will always affect me; very sensibly; one way or another; and I am now most agreeably affected by two letters; which I have lately seen from Lausanne; upon your subject; the one was from Madame St。 Germain; the other from Monsieur Pampigny: they both give so good an account of you; that I thought myself obliged; in justice both to them and to you; to let you know it。
  Those who deserve a good character ought to have the satisfaction of knowing that they have it; both as a reward and as an encouragement。 They write; that you are not only décrotté; but tolerably wellbred; and that the English crust of awkward bashfulness; shyness; and roughness; (of which; by the bye; you had your share) is pretty well rubbed off。 I am most heartily glad of it; for; as I have often told you; those lesser talents; of an engaging; insinuating manner; an easy goodbreeding; a genteel behaviour and address; are of infinitely more advantage than they are generally thought to be; especially here in England。

Virtue and learning; like gold; have their intrinsic value; but if they are not polished; they certainly lose a great deal of their lustre; and even polished brass will pass upon more people than rough gold。
  What a number of sins does the cheerful; easy goodbreeding of the French frequently cover! Many of them want mon sense; many more mon learning; but; in general; they make up so much; by their manner; for those defects; that; frequently; they pass undiscovered。
  I have often said; and do think; that a Frenchman; who; with a fund of virtue; learning; and goodsense; has the manners and goodbreeding of his country; is the perfection of human nature。 This perfection you may; if you please; and I hope you will; arrive at。
  You know what virtue is: you may have it if yo
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