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walls; and to make the utmost of every stone that is left。 Nothing can so tend to make life a blessing as the consciousness that you love: and are beloved: and“love ye the stranger” still。 It is ground of the utmost fort to my mind: to know that so many of you as have had the opportunity; have given full proof of your fidelity to the great family of man。
  Be faithful until death。 From the exercise of habitual love to man: it cannot be very hard: to learn to love his maker。 I must yet insert a reason for my firm belief in the Divine inspiration of the Bible: notwithstanding I am (perhaps naturally) skeptical:(certainly not; credulous。) I wish you all to consider it most thoroughly; when you read the blessed book; and see whether you can not discover such evidence yourselves。 It is the purity of heart; feeling, or motive: as well as word; and action which is everywhere insisted on; that distinguish it from all other teachings; that mends it to my conscience; whether my heart be“willing and obedient” or not。 The inducements that it holds out, are another reason of my conviction of its truth: and genuineness: that I cannot here omit; in this my last argument for the Bible。

Eternal life, is that my soul is “panting after” this moment。 I mention this, as reason for endeavouring to leave a valuable copy of the Bible to be carefully preserved in remembrance of me: to so many of my posterity; instead of some other things of equal cost。
  I beseech you all to live in habitual contentment with very moderate circumstances and gains; of worldly store: and most earnestly to teach this: to your children; and Childrens' Children; after you: by example: as well; as precept。 Be determined to know by experience as soon as may be: whether bible instruction is of Divine origin or not; which says;“Owe no man anything but to love one another。” John Rogers wrote to his children; “Abhor the arrant whore of Rome。” John Brown writes to his children to abhor with unending hatred; also: that “sum of all vilainies” —Slavery。
  Remember that “he that is slow to anger is better than the mighty: and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city。” Remember also: that  “they that be wise shall shine; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever。” And now dearly beloved farewell; to God and the word of his grace I mend you all。
  Your Affectionate Husband and Father
  John Brown


  如果在写作过程中我破产了,我决定也不将系列剧本中的任何一本拿出来,除非我至少有三四部剧本已经脱稿,更多的剧本已经有了初稿。这样做对我来说是必要的,因为,我所重视的当然是这项工作作为一个整体,而不是它的各个部分,这对于将整个系列剧搬上舞台也一样重要。“盖尔德剧团”计划上演好几部戏作为事业的开始,因为他们为了演出这个系列剧而打算组织一个专门的演出团。而且,从现在开始要花三四年时间来敲定男女演员。在如今有声电影对演员造成巨大诱惑的情况下,你得拿出好几部剧本,让他们看看某些片段,这样才会有利于他们签协议。如果只有一两个剧本,含糊地敷衍别人说剧本的精彩部分还没有写好,那么,不论作者是谁,你都不会获得成功。我的计划是每个季度写两个剧本,我想这在以前已经告诉过你了。书包 网 。 想看书来

  Eugene O'Neill
  June 20th 1936
  Dear Eugene;
  It was good to get your letter。 I would have written you; only you said in your wire you were writing; so I waited to learn all the details of your good news。 And it sure is good news! But; as I wired you; I was by no means astonished; or anything like that; that you had done so nobly; for your somber premonitions had not impressed me as being liable to coincide with the facts when they appeared。 I know such dreary forebodings too damned well。 They are the familiar spirits of this branch of the O'Neills— one of the baneful heritages you get from me; I'm afraid。 I've been enjoying more than my usual share of them lately; too; what with this Cycle of plays stretching out into a future of seemingly endless hard labor。 It looks now as if there would have to be still another play— a ninth which will carry me back to 1770 as a starter。
  What you write about the exams is damned interesting and I am glad you told me so much about the oral。 Of course; I knew there was one; but had no idea it was such a formidable inquisition。 I can imagine how you felt when you paced the hall waiting for the verdict!
  As for the job; from what you tell me; that assuredly is a grand bit of good fortune! And the salary is more than I ever thought you would get to start with。
  Speaking of money; you know; I hope; that if ever you get in a tough spot I can always manage to e across with something; although; as you may guess; the next couple of years will be lean ones unless that rarity for me; a Movierights purchase; es up。 I want to tell you frankly what my exact situation is。 Whatever ine I have from investments is more than abolished by the alimony dole。 That means that as far as my half of Carlotta's and my household expenses; etc。 is concerned I am living on capital and will be for the next two years or more; for I do not expect to be able to release any new play for production or
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