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p and two shaky legs。 So I might as well stay over here and play around the old conflict for a while。
  Also Ma; I'm in love again。 Now don't get the wind up and start worrying about me getting married for I'm not。 As I told you once before; raise My fight hand and promise; so don't get up in the air and cable and write me。 I'm not even going to get engaged。 Loud Cheers。 So don't write any “God Bless U; My Children”: Not for about 10 years。 You're a dear old kid; and you're still my best girl。 Kiss me。 Very good。 Now goodbye and God bless you and write me often… So long old dear。 I love you。


  Thomas Gray
  June 17; 1740。
  Our journey hither was through the most beautiful part of the finest country in the world; and every spot of it on some account or other; famous for these three thousand years past。 The season has hitherto been just as warm as one would wish it; no unwholesome airs; or violent heats; yet heard of: The people call it a backward year; and are in pain about their corn; wine; and oil; but we; who are neither corn; wine; nor oil; find it very agreeable。 Our road was through Velletri; Cisterna; Terracina; Capua; and Aversa; and so to Naples。  The minute one leaves his Holiness's dominions; the face of things begins to change from wide uncultivated plains to olive groves and welltilled fields of corn; intermixed with ranks of elms; every one of which has its vine twining about it; and hanging in festoons between the rows from one tree to another。 The great old figtrees; the oranges in full bloom; and myrtles in every hedge; make one of the delightfullest scenes you can conceive; besides that; the roads are wide; wellkept; and full of passengers; a sight I have not beheld this long time。 My wonder still increased upon entering the city, which I think for number of people; outdoes both Paris and London。 The streets are one continued market; and thronged with populace so much that a coach can hardly pass。 The mon sort are a jolly lively kind of animals; more industrious than Italians usually are; they work till evening; then take their lute or guitar (for they all play)and walk about the city; or upon the seashore with it; to enjoy the fresco。 One sees their little brown children jumping about starknaked; and the bigger ones dancing with castanets; while others play on the cymbal to them。 Your maps will show you the situation of Naples; it is on the most lovely bay in the world; and one of the calmest seas: it has many other beauties besides those of nature。 We have spent two days in visiting the remarkable places in the country round it; such as the bay of Baya, and its remains of antiquity; the lake Avernus; and the Solfatara; Charon's grotto; etc。, We have been in the Sybil's cave and many other strange holes under ground (I only name them because you may consult Sandy's travels); but the strangest hole I ever was in; has been today at a place called Portici; where his Sicilian Majesty has a countryseat。 About a year ago; as they were digging; they discovered some parts of ancient buildings above thirty feet deep in the ground: Curiosity led them on; and they have been digging ever since; the passage they have made; with all its turnings and windings; is now more than a mile long。 As you walk you see parts of an amphitheatre; many houses adorned with marble columns; and incrusted with the same the front of a temple; several arched vaults of rooms painted in fresco。 Some pieces of painting have been taken out from hence finer than any thing of the kind before discovered; and with these the king has adorned his palace; also a number of statues; medals; and gems; and more are dug out every day。 This is known to be a Roman town; that in the emperor Titus's time was overwhelmed by a furious eruption of Mount Vesuvius; which is hard by。 The wood and beams remain so perfect that you may see the grain! but burnt to a coal; and dropping into dust upon the least touch。 We were today at the foot of that mountain; which at present smokes only a little; where we saw the materials that fed the stream of fire; which about four years since ran down its side。 We have but a few days longer to stay here ;too little in conscience for such a place。


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