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  I have been a walk this morning with a book in my hand; but as usual I have been occupied with nothing but you; I wish I could say in an agreeable manner。 I am tormented day and night。 They talk of my going to Italy。 It's certain I shall never I recover if I am to be so long separate from you;yet with all this devotion to you I cannot persuade myself into any confidence of you。
  Past experience connected with the fact of my long separation from you gives me agonies which are scarcely to be talked of。 When your mother es I shall be very sudden and expert in asking her whether you have been to Mrs。 Dilke's; for she might say no to make me easy。 I am literally worn to death; which seems my only recourse。 I cannot forget what has passed。 What? nothing with a man of the world; but to me dreadful。
  I will get rid of this as much as possible。 When you were in the habit of flirting with Brown you would have left off; could your own heart have felt one half of one pang mine did。 Brown is a good sort of Man—he did not know he was doing me to death by inches。 I feel the effect of every one of those hours in my side now; and for that cause; though he has done me many services; though I know his love and friendship for me; though at this moment I should be without pence were it not for his assistance; I will never see or speak to him until we are both old men; if we are to be。 I will resent my heart having been made a football。 You will call this madness。 I have heard you say that it was not unpleasant to wait a few years—you have amusements—your mind is away—you have not brooded over one idea as I have; and how should you?
  You are to me an object intensely desireable—the air I breathe in a room empty of you is unhealthy。 I am not the same to you—no—you can wait—you have a thousand activities—you can be happy without me。 Any party; any thing to fill up the day has been enough。
  How have you passed this month? Who have you smiled with?All this may seem savage in me。 You do not feel as I do—you do not know what it is to love—one day you may—your time is not e。
  Ask yourself how many unhappy hours Keats has caused you in Loneliness。 For myself I have been a Martyr the whole time; and for this reason I speak; the confession is forced from me by the torture。
  I appeal to you by the blood of that Christ you believe in: Do not write to me if you have done anything this month which it would have pained me to have seen。 You may have altered— if you have not—if you still behave in dancing rooms and others societies as I have seen you—I do not want to live—if you have done so I wish this ing night may be my last。
  I cannot live without you; and not only you but chaste you; virtuous you。 The Sun rises and sets; the day passes; and you follow the bent of your inclination to a certain extent—you have no conception of the quantity of miserable feeling that passes through me in a day。— Be serious! Love is not a plaything—and again do not write unless you can do it with a crystal conscience。 I would sooner die for want of you than—
  Yours forever
  J。 Keats


  于瑟雷郡 哈查姆县新十字
  Robert Browning
  New Cross; Hatcham; Surrey。
  (January 10th; 1845)
  Dear Miss Barrett;
  I love your verses with all my heart; dear Miss Barrett; — and this is no offhand plimentary letter that I shall write;—whatever else; no prompt matterofcourse recognition of your genius; and there a graceful and natural end of the thing。

Since the day last week when I first read your poems; I quite laugh to remember how I have been turning and turning again in my mind what I should be able to tell you of their effect upon me; for in the first flush of delight I thought I would this once get out of my habit of purely passive enjoyment; when I do really enjoy; and thoroughly justify my admiration— perhaps even; as a loyal fellowcraftsman should; try and find fault and do you some little good to be proud of hereafter!—but nothing es of it all—so into me has it gone; and part of me has it bee; this great living poetry of yours; not a flower of which but took root and grew—Oh; how different that is from lying to be dried and pressed flat; and prized highly; and put in a book with a proper account at top and bottom; and shut up and put away… and the book called a ‘Flora'; besides!
  After all; I need not give up the thought of doing that; too; in time; because even now; talking with whoever is worthy; I can give a reason for my faith in one and another excellence; the fresh strange music; the affluent language; the exquisite pathos and true new brave thought; but in this addressing myself to you—your ownself; and for the first time; my feeling rises altogether。
  I do; as I say; love these books with my heart and I love you too。 Do you know I was once not very far from seeing—really seeing you? Mr。 Kenyon said to me one morning “Would you like to see Miss Barrett?” then he went to announce me;—then he returned… you were too unwell; and now it is years ago; and I feel as at some untoward passage in my travels; as if I had been close; so close; to some world's—wonder in chapel or crypt; only a screen to push and I might have entered; but there was some slight; so it now seems; slight and just sufficient bar to admission; and the halfopened door shut; and I went home my thousands of miles; and the sight was never to be?
  Well; these Poems were to be; and this true thankful joy and pride with which I feel myself;
  Yours ever faithfully;
  Robert Browning


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