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  Victor Hugo
  Jan。 1820
  My beloved Adele;
  A few words from you have again changed the state of my mind。 Yes; you can do anything with me; and tomorrow; I should be dead indeed if the gentle sounds of your voice; the tender pressure of your adored lips; do not suffice to recall the life to my body。 With what different feeling to yesterday's I shall lay myself down tonight! Yesterday; Adele; I no longer believe in your love; the hour of death would have been wele to me。。 最好的txt下载网

And yet I still said to myself; if it is true that she does not love me; if nothing in me could deserve the blessing of her love; without which there is no longer any charm in life; is that a reason for dying? Do I exist for my own personal happiness? No; my whole existence is devoted to her; even in spite of her。 And by what right should I have dared to aspire to her love? Am I then; more than an angel or a deity? I love her; true; even shouldn't I am ready to sacrifice everything gladly for her sake—everything; even the hope of being loved by her; there is no devotedness of which I am not capable for her; for one of her smiles; for one of her looks。 But could I do otherwise? Is she not the sole aim of my life? That she may show indifference to me; even hate me; will be my misfortune; that is all。 What does it matter; so that it does not injure her happiness? Yes; if she cannot love me I ought to blame myself only。 My duty is to keep close to her steps; to surround her existence with mine; to serve her as a barrier against all dangers; to offer her my head as a steppingstone; to place myself unceasingly between her and all sorrows; without claiming reward; without expecting repense。 Only too happy if she deigns some times to cast a pitying look upon her slave; and to remember him in the hour of danger! Alas! If she only allow me to give my life to anticipate her every desire; all her caprices; if she but permit me to kiss with respect her adored footprints; if she but consent to lean upon me at times amidst the difficulties of life; then I shall have obtained the only happiness to which I have the presumption to aspire。 Because I am ready to sacrifice all for her; does she owe me gratitude? Is it her fault that I love her? Must she; on that account; believe herself constrained to love me? No! She may sport with my devotions; repay my services with hate; and repulse my idolatry with scorn; without my having for a moment the right to plain of that angel; nor ought I to cease for an instant to lavish upon her all that which she would disdain。 And should every one of my days have been marked by some sacrifice for her; I should still; at the day of my death have discharged nothing of the infinite debt that my existence owes to her。
  Such; my beloved Adele; were the thoughts and resolutions of my mind at this time yesterday。 Today they are still the same。 Only there is mingled with them the certainty of happiness—such great happiness that I cannot think of it without trembling; and scarcely dare to believe in it。
  Then it is true that you love me; Adele? Tell me; can I trust in this enchanting idea? Don't you think that I shall end by being insane with joy if ever I can pass the whole of my life at your feet; sure of making you as happy as I shall be myself; sure of being adored by you as you are adored by me? Oh! Your letter has restored peace to me with happiness。 A thousand thanks; Adele; my well beloved angel。 Would that I could prostrate myself before you as before a divinity。 How happy you make me! Adieu; adieu; I shall pass a very happy night dreaming of you。
  Sleep well; and allow your husband to take the twelve kisses which you promised him besides all those yet unpromises。
  Yours affectionately;


  Robert Burns
  ; 1785
  Dear Ellison;
  I have often thought it a peculiarly unlucky circumstance in love; that though in every other situation in life telling the truth is not only the safest; but actually by far the easiest way of proceeding; a lover is never under greater difficulty in acting; nor ever more puzzled for expression than when his passion is sincere and his intentions honorable。
  I do not think that it is very difficult for a person of ordinary capacity to talk of love and fondness which are not felt; and to make vows of constancy and fidelity which are never intended to be performed; if he be villain enough to practice such detestable conduct; but to a man whose heart glows with the principles of integrity and truth; and who sincerely loves a woman of amiable person; unmon refinement of sentiment; and purity of manners; from my own feelings at this present moment; courtship is a task indeed。 There is such a number of foreboding fears and distrustful anxieties crowd into my mind when I am in your pany; or when I sit down to write to you; that what to speak or what to write I am altogether at a loss。
  There is one rule which I have hitherto practised and which I shall invariably keep with you and that is; honestly to tell you the plain truth。 There is something so mean and unmanly in the arts of dissimulation and falsehood that I am surprised they can be acted by any one in so noble; so generous a passion as virtuous love。 No; my dear E。; I shall never endeavour to gain your favor by such detestable practices。 If you will be so good and so generous as to admit me for your partner; your panion; your bosom friend through life; there is nothing on this side of eternity shall give me greater transport; but I shall never think of purchasing your hand by any arts unworthy of a man—and; I will add—of a Christian。
  There is one thing; my dear; which I earnestly request of you and it is this; that you should soon either put an end to my hopes by a peremptory refusal or cure me of my fears by a generous consent。
  It would oblige me much if you would send me a line or two when convenient。 I shall only add further that if a beha
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