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hope and life。 If you knew how your letters revived me here in the fortress! These last two months and a half; when it was forbidden to write or receive a letter; have been very hard on me …
  If anyone has bad memories of me; if I have quarreled with anyone; if I have created in anyone an unpleasant impression— tell them they should forget it; if you manage to meet them。 There is no gall or spite in my soul; I should dearly love to embrace any one of my former friends at this moment。 It is a fort; I experienced it today when saying goodby to my dear ones before death …
  When I look back at the past and think how much time has been wasted in vain; how much time was lost in delusions; in errors; in idleness; in ignorance of how to live; how I did not value time; how often I sinned against my heart and spirit—my heart bleeds。 Life is a gift; life is happiness; each minute might have been an age of happiness。 Si jeunesse svait! Now; changing my life; I am being reborn into a new form。 Brother! I swear to you that I shall not lose hope and shall preserve my spirit and heart in purity。 I shall be reborn to a better thing。 That is my whole hope; my whole fort!
  The life in prison has already sufficiently killed in me the demands of the flesh which were not wholly pure; I took little heed of myself before。 Now privations are nothing to me; and; therefore; do not fear that any material hardship will kill me。 This cannot be! Ah! To have health!
  Well; goodby; goodby; brother! I embrace you closely; I kiss you closely。 Remember me without pain in your heart。 Do not grieve; I pray you; do not grieve for me! In the next letter I shall tell you of how I go on。 Remember then what I have told you: plan out your life; do not waste it; arrange your destiny; think of your children。 Oh; to see you; to see you! Goodby! Now I tear myself away from everything that was dear; it is painful to leave it! It is painful to break oneself in two; to cat the heart in two。 Goodby! Goodby! But I shall see you; I am convinced—I hope; do not change; love me; do not let your memory grow cold; and the thought of your love will be the best part of my life。 Goodby; goodby; once more! Goodby to all!
  Your brother
  Fyodor Dostoevaky


  Charles Dickens
  Tuesday morning; 15th April; 1851
  My dearest Kate;—Now observe; you must read this letter very slowly and carefully。 If you have hurried on thus far without quite understanding (apprehending some bad news) I rely on your turning back and reading again。
  Little Dora; without being in the least pain; is suddenly stricken ill。 There is nothing in her appearance but perfect rest—you would suppose her quietly asleep; but I am sure she is very ill; and I cannot encourage myself with much hope of her recovery。 I do not (and why should I say I do to you; my dear?) I do not think her recovery at all likely。
  I do not like to leave home; I can do no good here; but I think it right to stay。 You will not like to be away; I know; and I cannot reconcile it to myself to keep you away。 Forster; with his usual affection for us; es down to bring you this letter and to bring you home; but I cannot close it without putting the strongest entreaty and injunction upon you to e with perfect posure—to remember what I have often told you; that we never can expect to be exempt; as to our many children; from the afflictions of other parents; mad that if—if when you e。 I should even have to say to you,“Our little baby is dead;” you are to do your duty to the rest; and to show yourself worthy of the great trust you hold in them。
  If you will only read this steadily I have a perfect confidence in your doing what is right。
  Ever affectionately;
  Charles Dickens


  Abraham Lincoln
  (Dec。 24; 1848)
  Dear Johnston:
  Your request for eighty dollars; I do not think it best to ply with now。 At the various times when I have helped you a little; you have said to me; “We can get along very well now;” but in a very short
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