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ve helped you a little; you have said to me; “We can get along very well now;” but in a very short time I find you in the same difficulty again。 Now this can only happen by some defect in your conduct。 What that defect is; I think I know。 You are not lazy; and still you are an idler。 I doubt whether since I saw you; you have done a good whole day's work; in any one day。 You do not very much dislike to work; and still you do not work much; merely because it does not seem to you that you could get much for it。。 最好的txt下载网

This habit of uselessly wasting time; is the whole difficulty; it is vastly important to you; and still more so to your children; that you should break this habit。 It is more important to them; because they have longer to live; and can keep out of an idle habit before they are in it; easier than they can get out after they are in。
  You are now in need of some ready money; and what I propose is; that you shall go to work;“tooth and nail;” for somebody who will give you money for it。
  Let father and your boys take charge of your things at home—prepare for a crop; and make the crop; and you go to work for the best money wages; or in discharge of any debt you owe; that you can get。 And to secure you a fair reward for your labor; I now promise you that for every dollar you will; between this and the first of May; get for your own labor either in money or in your own indebtedness; I will then give you one other dollar。
  By this; if you hire yourself at ten dollars a month; from me you will get ten more; making twenty dollars a month for your work。 In this; I do not mean you shall go off to ; or the lead mines; or the gold mines; in California; but I mean for you to go at it for the best wages you can get close to home—in Coles County。
  Now if you will do this; you will soon be out of debt; and what is better; you will have a habit that will keep you from getting in debt again。 But if I should now clear you out; next year you will be just as deep in as ever。 You say you would almost give your place in Heaven for 70 or 80。 Then you value your place in Heaven very cheaply; for I am sure you can with the offer I make you get the seventy or eighty dollars for four or five months' work。 You say if I furnish you the money you will deed me the land; and if you don't pay the money back; you will deliver possession—Nonsense! If you can't now live with the land; how will you then live without it? You have always been kind to me; and I do not now mean to be unkind to you。 On the contrary; if you will but follow my advice; you will find it worth more than eight times eighty dollars to you。
  Your brother



  John Brown
  Charlestown; Prison; Jefferson Co。; Va。
  30th Nov。; 1859
  My Dearly Beloved Wife; Sons and Daughters; Everyone,
  As I now begin what is probably the last letter I shall ever write to any of you; I conclude to write you all at the same time … I am waiting the hour of my public murder with great posure of mind;and cheerfulness: feeling the strongest assurance that in no other possible way could I be used to so much advance the cause of God; and of humanity; and that nothing that either I or all my family have sacrificed or suffered: will be lost。
  The reflection that a wise and merciful; as well as just and holy God: rules not only the affairs of this world; but of all worlds; is a rock to set our feet upon; under all circumstances: even those more severely trying ones: into which our own follies; and wrongs have placed us。 I have now no doubt but that our seeming disaster: will ultimately result in the most glorious success。 So my dear shattered and broken family be of good cheer; and believe and trust in God;“with all your heart and with all your soul;” for “he doeth All things well。” Do not feel ashamed on my account; nor for one moment despair of the cause; or grow weary of well doing。 I bless God; I never felt stronger confidence in the certain and near approach of a bright Morning; and a glorious day; than I have felt; and do now feel; since my confinement here。
  I beseech you every one to make the bible your daily and nightly study; with a childlike honest; candid; teachable spirit: out of love and respect for your husband; and Father: and I beseech the God of my Fathers; to open all your eyes to a discovery of the truth。 You cannot imagine how much you may soon need the consolations of the Christian religion。
  Do not be vain; and thoughtless: but sober minded。 And let me entreat you all to love the whole remnant of our once great family:“with a pure heart fervently。” Try to build again: your broken walls; and to make the utmost of every stone that is left。 Nothing can so tend to make life a bless
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