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这本运营时代,收辑的大多是我这六年间的一些讲话,除了少数几篇,比如世界报业论坛、上海高峰论坛、东盟传媒高层会议的演讲是提前撰写的以外,其余全部是直话直说的即兴演讲,没有稿子,甚至没有提纲。一些朋友先睹之后,据说十分感动并有点激动。作为出版社为这本书请的编审,与我素不相识的上海《文汇报》老总编辑张旭棠先生读后曾写下这样的评价“作者忠诚党的新闻事业,字里行间洋溢着对新闻深沉的挚爱,执着的追求,真可谓激情澎湃、活力充沛,对新闻改革有那么一种不达目的誓不罢休的人格魅力。作为本书的第一位读者(主观臆测)—— 一个在新闻岗位上干了55年的老人,向作者致以最热诚的敬意和由衷的感谢。感谢作者实实在在地为改革开放年代的中国新闻事业增添了一束灿烂的鲜花!”。真诚地感谢前辈报人的鼓励,其实我只是作为他们事业的继承者和后来人,稍微执着一点罢了。我真的很用心。还可以向读者保证的是,言为心声,这本书里决没有套话,更没有假话,有的只是一个新闻人对加快发展传媒业的那种坚定和执着,当然也一定有一些被朋友和同行算为智慧的小聪明。毕竟,我和我的团队将一个严重亏损的报社,做成一个利润表现好,上升空间大,发展后劲足的报业集团。总之,我们做的还行。
From the reflection of my friends in publishing circles; my book “Era of New Concept Creation on News” published last year has been sold well。 It is said that it is a best seller among the similar books。 At the encouragement of the readers; my colleagues; especially the elder colleagues; I obviously have the courage to agree with republication of this book “Era of New Concept Creation on News”。 I personally believe that this one is better than the first edition。 The so…called operation era refers to the historical qualitative change of Chinese mass media from media operation to running media in the last 20 years; especially through the rapid development over the recent decade; as I always believe。 This is a process of continuous connection between Chinese mass media and market and overall promotion。 And I am convinced that the Chinese mass media industry and people are facing a great era。 History has been grinning brightly to us。 In fashionable words; the chance to follow up has e。 Therefore; we cannot hesitate a little bit。 We must have enough intelligence and courage plus our unfading intense zeal and emotion to create; conquer and win the great era while winning over ourselves。 This is the most sincere faith deeply buried in the book “Era of New Concept Creation on News”。 In the book “operation era” some of the speeches during the recent six years are collected。 They are all my impromptus in direct speech without manuscripts or even outlines; except for a few articles written in advance; such as the speeches at the world newspaper forum; Shanghai summit forum; and ASEAN mass media top…level conference。 It is said that some friends who read it first were somewhat excited。 Mr。 Zhang Xutang; former editor…in…chief of Shanghai Wenhui Daily; invited by the press for checking and reviewing this book; whom I have never met; wrote his ment as follows: “The author is faithful to the party’s news career。 The words between the lines brim with his sincere love and pursuit for news career; and demonstrate his surging enthusiasm and abundant vitality and the charm of his personality of persistence and unceasing effort to reaching the goal of news reforms。 As the first reader of “Media Operation Era” – an old man having worked on the post of mass media for 55 years; I would like to extend my most sincere gratitude and heart…felt thanks to the author; and thank him for his realistic addition of a bunch of bright flowers to Chinese news undertakings in the years of reforms and opening!” I am sincerely grateful to the courage of the elder newspaper man。 In fact I am only a successor and lateer of their undertakings; but a bit persevering in the career。 I am indeed very devoted to it。 I can guarantee to the readers that; words are the voice of the mind。 There are no empty talks; nor falsehood in the book。 The book only reveals the resolution and persistence of a mass media man in promoting rapid development of mass media; and certainly some cleverness of the author; though some friends and colleagues deem it as wisdom。 After all; my team and I have turned the newspaper office with heavy losses to a newspaper group; gaining good profits and having a large space and the strength conserved for further development。 In sum; what we have done are fairly good。 I acknowledge and like the ment in the article of New Weekly on me。 Therefore; I take this article of New Weekly as the preface of this collection to which I attach much importance。 As far as my characters are concerned; I am in fact a person who likes to fight and contest with himself。 At least I have never been afraid of meeting any challenges。 My mother is illiterate; but her advice ever made me continuously surpass myself; like that the sun shines again after the rain: the person who should have died in a well would not die in a river。 Therefore; in my characters there is always a kind of pleasure; resolution and perseverance; conforming to the natural development。 It is very important to me。 I thank very much my friends Shuli; Yanping; Guoming; Heli; Beixian and Peiyu for their supports。 I am grateful to my colleague Gong Lulu for her energy and wisdom exerted to editing this book。 I am also thankful to those rades of photographing department; data center; checking and laser phototypesetting departments; for their support and assistance to me。 I am lucky to have such a team like Tianjin Daily Newspaper Group。 In fact; all my strength and imagination of mass media industry derive fr