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en; some horrible Tartarus “informis; ingens; cui lumen ademptum。” But no; innocent friend; in these days men have learned the art of sinning expertly and genteelly; so as not to shock the eyes and senses of respectable society。 Human property is high in the market; and is; therefore; well fed; well cleaned; tended; and looked after; that it may come to sale sleek; and strong; and shining。 A slave…warehouse in New Orleans is a house externally not much unlike many others; kept with neatness; and where every day you may see arranged; under a sort of shed along the outside; rows of men and women; who stand there as a sign of the property sold within。
Then you shall be courteously entreated to call and examine; and shall find an abundance of husbands; wives; brothers; sisters; fathers; mothers; and young children; to be “sold separately; or in lots to suit the convenience of the purchaser;” and that soul immortal; once bought with blood and anguish by the Son of God; when the earth shook; and the rocks rent; and the graves were opened; can be sold; leased; mortgaged; exchanged for groceries or dry goods; to suit the phases of trade; or the fancy of the purchaser。
It was a day or two after the conversation between Marie and Miss Ophelia; that Tom; Adolph; and about half a dozen others of the St。 Clare estate; were turned over to the loving kindness of Mr。 Skeggs; the keeper of a depot on——street; to await the auction; next day。
Tom had with him quite a sizable trunk full of clothing; as had most others of them。 They were ushered; for the night; into a long room; where many other men; of all ages; sizes; and shades of complexion; were assembled; and from which roars of laughter and unthinking merriment were proceeding。
“Ah; ha! that’s right。 Go it; boys;—go it!” said Mr。 Skeggs; the keeper。 “My people are always so merry! Sambo; I see!” he said; speaking approvingly to a burly negro who was performing tricks of low buffoonery; which ocomasioned the shouts which Tom had heard。
As might be imagined; Tom was in no humor to join these proceedings; and; therefore; setting his trunk as far as possible from the noisy group; he sat down on it; and leaned his face against the wall。
The dealers in the human article make scrupulous and systematic efforts to promote noisy mirth among them; as a means of drowning reflection; and rendering them insensible to their condition。 The whole object of the training to which the negro is put; from the time he is sold in the northern market till he arrives south; is systematically directed towards making him callous; unthinking; and brutal。 The slave…dealer collects his gang in Virginia or Kentucky; and drives them to some convenient; healthy place;—often a watering place;—to be fattened。 Here they are fed full daily; and; because some incline to pine; a fiddle is kept commonly going among them; and they are made to dance daily; and he who refuses to be merry—in whose soul thoughts of wife; or child; or home; are too strong for him to be gay—is marked as sullen and dangerous; and subjected to all the evils which the ill will of an utterly irresponsible and hardened man can inflict upon him。 Briskness; alertness; and cheerfulness of appearance; especially before observers; are constantly enforced upon them; both by the hope of thereby getting a good master; and the fear of all that the driver may bring upon them if they prove unsalable。
“What dat ar nigger doin here?” said Sambo; coming up to Tom; after Mr。 Skeggs had left the room。 Sambo was a full black; of great size; very lively; voluble; and full of trick and grimace。
“What you doin here?” said Sambo; coming up to Tom; and poking him facetiously in the side。 “Meditatin’; eh?”
“I am to be sold at the auction; tomorrow!” said Tom; quietly。
“Sold at auction;—haw! haw! boys; an’t this yer fun? I wish’t I was gwine that ar way!—tell ye; wouldn’t I make em laugh? But how is it;—dis yer whole lot gwine tomorrow?” said Sambo; laying his hand freely on Adolph’s shoulder。
“Please to let me alone!” said Adolph; fiercely; straightening himself up; with extreme disgust。
“Law; now; boys! dis yer’s one o’ yer white niggers;—kind o’ cream color; ye know; scented!” said he; coming up to Adolph and snuffing。 “O Lor! he’d do for a tobacomer…shop; they could keep him to scent snuff! Lor; he’d keep a whole shope agwine;—he would!”
“I say; keep off; can’t you?” said Adolph; enraged。
“Lor; now; how touchy we is;—we white niggers! Look at us now!” and Sambo gave a ludicrous imitation of Adolph’s manner; “here’s de airs and graces。 We’s been in a good family; I specs。”
“Yes;” said Adolph; “I had a master that could have bought you all for old truck!”
“Laws; now; only think;” said Sambo; “the gentlemens that we is!”
“I belonged to the St。 Clare family;” said Adolph; proudly。
“Lor; you did! Be hanged if they ar’n’t lucky to get shet of ye。 Spects they’s gwine to trade ye off with a lot o’ cracked tea…pots and sich like!” said Sambo; with a provoking grin。
Adolph; enraged at this taunt; flew furiously at his adversary; swearing and striking on every side of him。 The rest laughed and shouted; and the uproar brought the keeper to the door。
“What now; boys? Order;—order!” he said; coming in and flourishing a large whip。
All fled in different directions; except Sambo; who; presuming on the favor which the keeper had to him as a licensed wag; stood his ground; ducking his head with a facetious grin; whenever the master made a dive at him。
“Lor; Mas’r; ’tan’t us;—we ’s reglar stiddy;—it’s these yer new hands; they ’s real aggravatin’;—kinder pickin’ at us; all time!”
The keeper; at this; turned upon Tom and Adolph; and distributing a few kicks and cuffs without much inquiry; and leaving general orders for all to be good boys and go to sleep; left the apartment。
While this scene was going on in the men’s sleeping…room; the reader may be curious to take a peep at the corresponding apartment allotted to the women。 Stretched out in various attitudes over the floor; he may see numberless sleeping forms of every shade of complexion; from the purest ebony to white; and of all years; from childhood to old age; lying now asleep。 Here is a fine bright girl; of ten years; whose mother was sold out yesterday; and who tonight cried herself to sleep when nobody was looking at her。 Here; a worn old negress; whose thin arms and callous fingers tell of hard toil; waiting to be sold tomorrow; as a cast…off article; for what can be got for her; and some forty or fifty others; with heads variously enveloped in blankets or articles of clothing; lie stretched around them。 But; in a corner; sitting apart from the rest; are two females of a more interesting appearance than common。 One of these is a respectably…dressed mulatto woman between forty and fifty; with soft eyes and a gentle and pleasing physiognomy。 She has on her head a high…raised turban; made of a gay red Madras handkerchief; of the first quality; her dress is neatly fitted; and of good material; showing that she has been provided for with a careful hand。 By her side; and nestling closely to her; is a young girl of fifteen;—her daughter。 She is a quadroon; as may be seen from her fairer complexion; though her likeness to her mother is quite discernible。 She has the same soft; dark eye; with longer lashes; and her curling hair is of a luxuriant brown。 She also is dressed with great neatness; and her white; delicate hands betray very little acquaintance with servile toil。 These two are to be sold tomorrow; in the same lot with the St。 Clare servants; and the gentleman to whom they belong; and to whom the money for their sale is to be transmitted; is a member of a Christian church in New York; who will receive the money; and go thereafter to the sacrament of his Lord and theirs; and think no more of it。
These two; whom we shall call Susan and Emmeline; had been the personal attendants of an amiable and pious lady of New Orleans; by whom they had been carefully and piously instructed and trained。 They had been taught to read and write; diligently instructed in the truths of religion; and their lot had been as happy an one as in their conditio