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“I wonder who and what she is!” said Mr。 Bird; at last; as he laid it down。
“When she wakes up and feels a little rested; we will see;” said Mrs。 Bird。
“I say; wife!” said Mr。 Bird after musing in silence over his newspaper。
“Well; dear!”
“She couldn’t wear one of your gowns; could she; by any letting down; or such matter? She seems to be rather larger than you are。”
A quite perceptible smile glimmered on Mrs。 Bird’s face; as she answered; “We’ll see。”
Another pause; and Mr。 Bird again broke out;
“I say; wife!”
“Well! What now?”
“Why; there’s that old bombazin cloak; that you keep on purpose to put over me when I take my afternoon’s nap; you might as well give her that;—she needs clothes。”
At this instant; Dinah looked in to say that the woman was awake; and wanted to see Missis。
Mr。 and Mrs。 Bird went into the kitchen; followed by the two eldest boys; the smaller fry having; by this time; been safely disposed of in bed。
The woman was now sitting up on the settle; by the fire。 She was looking steadily into the blaze; with a calm; heart…broken expression; very different from her former agitated wildness。
“Did you want me?” said Mrs。 Bird; in gentle tones。 “I hope you feel better now; poor woman!”
A long…drawn; shivering sigh was the only answer; but she lifted her dark eyes; and fixed them on her with such a forlorn and imploring expression; that the tears came into the little woman’s eyes。
“You needn’t be afraid of anything; we are friends here; poor woman! Tell me where you came from; and what you want;” said she。
“I came from Kentucky;” said the woman。
“When?” said Mr。 Bird; taking up the interogatory。
“How did you come?”
“I crossed on the ice。”
“Crossed on the ice!” said every one present。
“Yes;” said the woman; slowly; “I did。 God helping me; I crossed on the ice; for they were behind me—right behind—and there was no other way!”
“Law; Missis;” said Cudjoe; “the ice is all in broken…up blocks; a swinging and a tetering up and down in the water!”
“I know it was—I know it!” said she; wildly; “but I did it! I wouldn’t have thought I could;—I didn’t think I should get over; but I didn’t care! I could but die; if I didn’t。 The Lord helped me; nobody knows how much the Lord can help ’em; till they try;” said the woman; with a flashing eye。
“Were you a slave?” said Mr。 Bird。
“Yes; sir; I belonged to a man in Kentucky。”
“Was he unkind to you?”
“No; sir; he was a good master。”
“And was your mistress unkind to you?”
“No; sir—no! my mistress was always good to me。”
“What could induce you to leave a good home; then; and run away; and go through such dangers?”
The woman looked up at Mrs。 Bird; with a keen; scrutinizing glance; and it did not escape her that she was dressed in deep mourning。
“Ma’am;” she said; suddenly; “have you ever lost a child?”
The question was unexpected; and it was thrust on a new wound; for it was only a month since a darling child of the family had been laid in the grave。
Mr。 Bird turned around and walked to the window; and Mrs。 Bird burst into tears; but; recovering her voice; she said;
“Why do you ask that? I have lost a little one。”
“Then you will feel for me。 I have lost two; one after another;—left ’em buried there when I came away; and I had only this one left。 I never slept a night without him; he was all I had。 He was my comfort and pride; day and night; and; ma’am; they were going to take him away from me;—to sell him;—sell him down south; ma’am; to go all alone;—a baby that had never been away from his mother in his life! I couldn’t stand it; ma’am。 I knew I never should be good for anything; if they did; and when I knew the papers the papers were signed; and he was sold; I took him and came off in the night; and they chased me;—the man that bought him; and some of Mas’r’s folks;—and they were coming down right behind me; and I heard ’em。 I jumped right on to the ice; and how I got across; I don’t know;—but; first I knew; a man was helping me up the bank。”
The woman did not sob nor weep。 She had gone to a place where tears are dry; but every one around her was; in some way characteristic of themselves; showing signs of hearty sympathy。
The two little boys; after a desperate rummaging in their pockets; in search of those pocket…handkerchiefs which mothers know are never to be found there; had thrown themselves disconsolately into the skirts of their mother’s gown; where they were sobbing; and wiping their eyes and noses; to their hearts’ content;—Mrs。 Bird had her face fairly hidden in her pocket…handkerchief; and old Dinah; with tears streaming down her black; honest face; was ejaculating; “Lord have mercy on us!” with all the fervor of a camp…meeting;—while old Cudjoe; rubbing his eyes very hard with his cuffs; and making a most uncommon variety of wry faces; ocomasionally responded in the same key; with great fervor。 Our senator was a statesman; and of course could not be expected to cry; like other mortals; and so he turned his back to the company; and looked out of the window; and seemed particularly busy in clearing his throat and wiping his spectacle…glasses; ocomasionally blowing his nose in a manner that was calculated to excite suspicion; had any one been in a state to observe critically。
“How came you to tell me you had a kind master?” he suddenly exclaimed; gulping down very resolutely some kind of rising in his throat; and turning suddenly round upon the woman。
“Because he was a kind master; I’ll say that of him; any way;—and my mistress was kind; but they couldn’t help themselves。 They were owing money; and there was some way; I can’t tell how; that a man had a hold on them; and they were obliged to give him his will。 I listened; and heard him telling mistress that; and she begging and pleading for me;—and he told her he couldn’t help himself; and that the papers were all drawn;—and then it was I took him and left my home; and came away。 I knew ’t was no use of my trying to live; if they did it; for ’t ’pears like this child is all I have。”
“Have you no husband?”
“Yes; but he belongs to another man。 His master is real hard to him; and won’t let him come to see me; hardly ever; and he’s grown harder and harder upon us; and he threatens to sell him down south;—it’s like I’ll never see him again!”
The quiet tone in which the woman pronounced these words might have led a superficial observer to think that she was entirely apathetic; but there was a calm; settled depth of anguish in her large; dark eye; that spoke of something far otherwise。
“And where do you mean to go; my poor woman?” said Mrs。 Bird。
“To Canada; if I only knew where that was。 Is it very far off; is Canada?” said she; looking up; with a simple; confiding air; to Mrs。 Bird’s face。
“Poor thing!” said Mrs。 Bird; involuntarily。
“Is ’t a very great way off; think?” said the woman; earnestly。
“Much further than you think; poor child!” said Mrs。 Bird; “but we will try to think what can be done for you。 Here; Dinah; make her up a bed in your own room; close by the kitchen; and I’ll think what to do for her in the morning。 Meanwhile; never fear; poor woman; put your trust in God; he will protect you。”
Mrs。 Bird and her husband reentered the parlor。 She sat down in her little rocking…chair before the fire; swaying thoughtfully to and fro。 Mr。 Bird strode up and down the room; grumbling to himself; “Pish! pshaw! confounded awkward business!” At length; striding up to his wife; he said;
“I say; wife; she’ll have to get away from here; this very night。 That fellow will be down on the scent bright and early tomorrow morning: if ’t was only the woman; she could lie quiet till it was over; but that little chap can’t be kept still by a troop of horse and foot; I’ll warrant me; he’ll bring it all out; popping his head out of some window or door。 A pretty kettle of fish it would be for me; too; to be caught with them both here; just now! No; they’ll have to be got off tonight。”
“Tonight! How is it possible?—where to?”
“Well; I know pretty well where to;” said the senator; beginning to put on his boots; with a reflective air; and;