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“And I; too;” said St。 Clare; taking up the morning paper。
Eva; the beautiful Eva; had stood listening to her mother; with that expression of deep and mystic earnestness which was peculiar to her。 She walked softly round to her mother’s chair; and put her arms round her neck。
“Well; Eva; what now?” said Marie。
“Mamma; couldn’t I take care of you one night—just one? I know I shouldn’t make you nervous; and I shouldn’t sleep。 I often lie awake nights; thinking—”
“O; nonsense; child—nonsense!” said Marie; “you are such a strange child!”
“But may I; mamma? I think;” she said; timidly; “that Mammy isn’t well。 She told me her head ached all the time; lately。”
“O; that’s just one of Mammy’s fidgets! Mammy is just like all the rest of them—makes such a fuss about every little headache or finger…ache; it’ll never do to encourage it—never! I’m principled about this matter;” said she; turning to Miss Ophelia; “you’ll find the necessity of it。 If you encourage servants in giving way to every little disagreeable feeling; and complaining of every little ailment; you’ll have your hands full。 I never complain myself—nobody knows what I endure。 I feel it a duty to bear it quietly; and I do。”
Miss Ophelia’s round eyes expressed an undisguised amazement at this peroration; which struck St。 Clare as so supremely ludicrous; that he burst into a loud laugh。
“St。 Clare always laughs when I make the least allusion to my ill health;” said Marie; with the voice of a suffering martyr。 “I only hope the day won’t come when he’ll remember it!” and Marie put her handkerchief to her eyes。
Of course; there was rather a foolish silence。 Finally; St。 Clare got up; looked at his watch; and said he had an engagement down street。 Eva tripped away after him; and Miss Ophelia and Marie remained at the table alone。
“Now; that’s just like St。 Clare!” said the latter; withdrawing her handkerchief with somewhat of a spirited flourish when the criminal to be affected by it was no longer in sight。 “He never realizes; never can; never will; what I suffer; and have; for years。 If I was one of the complaining sort; or ever made any fuss about my ailments; there would be some reason for it。 Men do get tired; naturally; of a complaining wife。 But I’ve kept things to myself; and borne; and borne; till St。 Clare has got in the way of thinking I can bear anything。”
Miss Ophelia did not exactly know what she was expected to answer to this。
While she was thinking what to say; Marie gradually wiped away her tears; and smoothed her plumage in a general sort of way; as a dove might be supposed to make toilet after a shower; and began a housewifely chat with Miss Ophelia; concerning cupboards; closets; linen…presses; store…rooms; and other matters; of which the latter was; by common understanding; to assume the direction;—giving her so many cautious directions and charges; that a head less systematic and business…like than Miss Ophelia’s would have been utterly dizzied and confounded。
“And now;” said Marie; “I believe I’ve told you everything; so that; when my next sick turn comes on; you’ll be able to go forward entirely; without consulting me;—only about Eva;—she requires watching。”
“She seems to be a good child; very;” said Miss Ophelia; “I never saw a better child。”
“Eva’s peculiar;” said her mother; “very。 There are things about her so singular; she isn’t like me; now; a particle;” and Marie sighed; as if this was a truly melancholy consideration。
Miss Ophelia in her own heart said; “I hope she isn’t;” but had prudence enough to keep it down。
“Eva always was disposed to be with servants; and I think that well enough with some children。 Now; I always played with father’s little negroes—it never did me any harm。 But Eva somehow always seems to put herself on an equality with every creature that comes near her。 It’s a strange thing about the child。 I never have been able to break her of it。 St。 Clare; I believe; encourages her in it。 The fact is; St。 Clare indulges every creature under this roof but his own wife。”
Again Miss Ophelia sat in blank silence。
“Now; there’s no way with servants;” said Marie; “but to put them down; and keep them down。 It was always natural to me; from a child。 Eva is enough to spoil a whole house…full。 What she will do when she comes to keep house herself; I’m sure I don’t know。 I hold to being kind to servants—I always am; but you must make ’em know their place。 Eva never does; there’s no getting into the child’s head the first beginning of an idea what a servant’s place is! You heard her offering to take care of me nights; to let Mammy sleep! That’s just a specimen of the way the child would be doing all the time; if she was left to herself。”
“Why;” said Miss Ophelia; bluntly; “I suppose you think your servants are human creatures; and ought to have some rest when they are tired。”
“Certainly; of course。 I’m very particular in letting them have everything that comes convenient;—anything that doesn’t put one at all out of the way; you know。 Mammy can make up her sleep; some time or other; there’s no difficulty about that。 She’s the sleepiest concern that ever I saw; sewing; standing; or sitting; that creature will go to sleep; and sleep anywhere and everywhere。 No danger but Mammy gets sleep enough。 But this treating servants as if they were exotic flowers; or china vases; is really ridiculous;” said Marie; as she plunged languidly into the depths of a voluminous and pillowy lounge; and drew towards her an elegant cut…glass vinaigrette。
“You see;” she continued; in a faint and lady…like voice; like the last dying breath of an Arabian jessamine; or something equally ethereal; “you see; Cousin Ophelia; I don’t often speak of myself。 It isn’t my habit; ’t isn’t agreeable to me。 In fact; I haven’t strength to do it。 But there are points where St。 Clare and I differ。 St。 Clare never understood me; never appreciated me。 I think it lies at the root of all my ill health。 St。 Clare means well; I am bound to believe; but men are constitutionally selfish and inconsiderate to woman。 That; at least; is my impression。”
Miss Ophelia; who had not a small share of the genuine New England caution; and a very particular horror of being drawn into family difficulties; now began to foresee something of this kind impending; so; composing her face into a grim neutrality; and drawing out of her pocket about a yard and a quarter of stocking; which she kept as a specific against what Dr。 Watts asserts to be a personal habit of Satan when people have idle hands; she proceeded to knit most energetically; shutting her lips together in a way that said; as plain as words could; “You needn’t try to make me speak。 I don’t want anything to do with your affairs;”—in fact; she looked about as sympathizing as a stone lion。 But Marie didn’t care for that。 She had got somebody to talk to; and she felt it her duty to talk; and that was enough; and reinforcing herself by smelling again at her vinaigrette; she went on。
“You see; I brought my own property and servants into the connection; when I married St。 Clare; and I am legally entitled to manage them my own way。 St。 Clare had his fortune and his servants; and I’m well enough content he should manage them his way; but St。 Clare will be interfering。 He has wild; extravagant notions about things; particularly about the treatment of servants。 He really does act as if he set his servants before me; and before himself; too; for he lets them make him all sorts of trouble; and never lifts a finger。 Now; about some things; St。 Clare is really frightful—he frightens me—good…natured as he looks; in general。 Now; he has set down his foot that; come what will; there shall not be a blow struck in this house; except what he or I strike; and he does it in a way that I really dare not cross him。 Well; you may see what that leads to; for St。 Clare wouldn’t raise his hand; if every one of them walked over him; and I—you see how cruel it would be to require me to make the exertion。 Now; you know these servants are nothing but grown…up children。”
“I don’t know anything about it; and I thank the Lord that I don’t!” sai
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