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达芬奇密码 作者: 美 丹·布朗(英文版)-第39部分

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nd of code。 Still others claimed that X rays of the Mona Lisa revealed she originally had been painted wearing a lapis lazuli pendant of Isis—a detail Da Vinci purportedly later decided to paint over。 Langdon had never seen any evidence of the pendant; nor could he imagine how it could possibly reveal the Holy Grail; and yet Grail aficionados still discussed it ad nauseum on Internet bulletin boards and worldwide…web chat rooms。
Everyone loves a conspiracy。
And the conspiracies kept ing。 Most recently; of course; had been the earthshaking discovery that Da Vinci's famed Adoration of the Magi was hiding a dark secret beneath its layers of paint。 Italian art diagnostician Maurizio Seracini had unveiled the unsettling truth; which the New York Times Magazine carried prominently in a story titled 〃The Leonardo Cover…Up。〃
Seracini had revealed beyond any doubt that while the Adoration's gray…green sketched underdrawing was indeed Da Vinci's work; the painting itself was not。 The truth was that some anonymous painter had filled in Da Vinci's sketch like a paint…by…numbers years after Da Vinci's death。 Far more troubling; however; was what lay beneath the impostor's paint。 Photographs taken with infrared reflectography and X ray suggested that this rogue painter; while filling in Da Vinci's sketched study; had made suspicious departures from the underdrawing。。。 as if to subvert Da Vinci's true intention。 Whatever the true nature of the underdrawing; it had yet to be made public。 Even so; embarrassed officials at Florence's Uffizi Gallery immediately banished the painting to a warehouse across the street。 Visitors at the gallery's Leonardo Room now found a misleading and unapologetic plaque where the Adoration once hung。
In the bizarre underworld of modern Grail seekers; Leonardo da Vinci remained the quest's great enigma。 His artwork seemed bursting to tell a secret; and yet whatever it was remained hidden; perhaps beneath a layer of paint; perhaps enciphered in plain view; or perhaps nowhere at all。 Maybe Da Vinci's plethora of tantalizing clues was nothing but an empty promise left behind to frustrate the curious and bring a smirk to the face of his knowing Mona Lisa。
〃Is it possible;〃 Sophie asked; drawing Langdon back; 〃that the key you're holding unlocks the hiding place of the Holy Grail?〃
Langdon's laugh sounded forced; even to him。 〃I really can't imagine。 Besides; the Grail is believed to be hidden in the United Kingdom somewhere; not France。〃 He gave her the quick history。
〃But the Grail seems the only rational conclusion;〃 she insisted。 〃We have an extremely secure key; stamped with the Priory of Sion seal; delivered to us by a member of the Priory of Sion—a brotherhood which; you just told me; are guardians of the Holy Grail。〃
Langdon knew her contention was logical; and yet intuitively he could not possibly accept it。 Rumors existed that the Priory had vowed someday to bring the Grail back to France to a final resting place; but certainly no historical evidence existed to suggest that this indeed had happened。 Even if the Priory had managed to bring the Grail back to France; the address 24 Rue Haxo near a tennis stadium hardly sounded like a noble final resting place。 〃Sophie; I really don't see how this key could have anything to do with the Grail。〃
〃Because the Grail is supposed to be in England?〃
〃Not only that。 The location of the Holy Grail is one of the best kept secrets in history。 Priory members wait decades proving themselves trustworthy before being elevated to the highest echelons of the fraternity and learning where the Grail is。 That secret is protected by an intricate system of partmentalized knowledge; and although the Priory brotherhood is very large; only four members at any given time know where the Grail is hidden—the Grand Master and his three sénéchaux。 The probability of your grandfather being one of those four top people is very slim。〃
My grandfather was one of them; Sophie thought; pressing down on the accelerator。 She had an image stamped in her memory that confirmed her grandfather's status within the brotherhood beyond any doubt。
〃And even if your grandfather were in the upper echelon; he would never be allowed to reveal anything to anyone outside the brotherhood。 It is inconceivable that he would bring you into the inner circle。〃
I've already been there; Sophie thought; picturing the ritual in the basement。 She wondered if this were the moment to tell Langdon what she had witnessed that night in the Normandy chateau。 For ten years now; simple shame had kept her from telling a soul。 Just thinking about it; she shuddered。 Sirens howled somewhere in the distance; and she felt a thickening shroud of fatigue settling over her。
〃There!〃 Langdon said; feeling excited to see the huge plex of the Roland Garros tennis stadium looming ahead。
Sophie snaked her way toward the stadium。 After several passes; they located the intersection of Rue Haxo and turned onto it; driving in the direction of the lower numbers。 The road became more industrial; lined with businesses。
We need number twenty…four; Langdon told himself; realizing he was secretly scanning the horizon for the spires of a church。 Don't be ridiculous。 A forgotten Templar church in this neighborhood?
〃There it is;〃 Sophie exclaimed; pointing。
Langdon's eyes followed to the structure ahead。
What in the world?
The building was modern。 A squat citadel with a giant; neon equal…armed cross emblazoned atop its facade。 Beneath the cross were the words:
Langdon was thankful not to have shared his Templar church hopes with Sophie。 A career hazard of symbologists was a tendency to extract hidden meaning from situations that had none。 In this case; Langdon had entirely forgotten that the peaceful; equal…armed cross had been adopted as the perfect symbol for the flag of neutral Switzerland。
At least the mystery was solved。
Sophie and Langdon were holding the key to a Swiss bank deposit box。

Outside Castel Gandolfo; an updraft of mountain air gushed over the top of the cliff and across the high bluff; sending a chill through Bishop Aringarosa as he stepped from the Fiat。 I should have worn more than this cassock; he thought; fighting the reflex to shiver。 The last thing he needed to appear tonight was weak or fearful。
The castle was dark save the windows at the very top of the building; which glowed ominously。 The library; Aringarosa thought。 They are awake and waiting。 He ducked his head against the wind and continued on without so much as a glance toward the observatory domes。
The priest who greeted him at the door looked sleepy。 He was the same priest who had greeted Aringarosa five months ago; albeit tonight he did so with much less hospitality。 〃We were worried about you; Bishop;〃 the priest said; checking his watch and looking more perturbed than worried。
〃My apologies。 Airlines are so unreliable these days。〃
The priest mumbled something inaudible and then said; 〃They are waiting upstairs。 I will escort you up。〃
The library was a vast square room with dark wood from floor to ceiling。 On all sides; towering bookcases burgeoned with volumes。 The floor was amber marble with black basalt trim; a handsome reminder that this building had once been a palace。
〃Wele; Bishop;〃 a man's voice said from across the room。
Aringarosa tried to see who had spoken; but the lights were ridiculously low—much lower than they had been on his first visit; when everything was ablaze。 The night of stark awakening。 Tonight; these men sat in the shadows; as if they were somehow ashamed of what was about to transpire。
Aringarosa entered slowly; regally even。 He could see the shapes of three men at a long table on the far side of the room。 The silhouette of the man in the middle was immediately recognizable—the obese Secretariat Vaticana; overlord of all legal matters within Vatican City。 The other two were high…ranking Italian cardinals。
Aringarosa crossed the library toward them。 〃My humble apologies for the hour。 We're on different time zones。 You must be tired。〃
〃Not at all;〃 the secretariat said; his hands folded on his enorm
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