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5 midnight sun午夜阳光-第17部分

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contusions! How many times did her mother drop her? Good idea。 Hmm。 Carlisle laughed to himself at his joke。 I m beginning to think the girl just has really bad luck。 place at the wrong time。 Forks is certainly the wrong place for her; with you here。 I flinched。 Go ahead。 Smooth things over。 I ll join you momentarily。 Perhaps I was too good a liar; if I could Always in the wrong I walked away quickly; feeling guilty。 fool Carlisle。 When I got to the ER; Tyler was mumbling under his breath; still apologizing。 The girl was trying to escape his remorse by pretending to sleep。 Her eyes were closed; but her breathing was not even; and now and then her fingers would twitch impatiently。 I stared at her face for a long moment。 This was the last time I would see her。 That fact triggered an acute aching in my chest。 Was it because I hated to leave any puzzle unsolved? That did not seem like enough of an explanation。 Finally; I took a deep breath and moved into view。

When Tyler saw me; he started to speak; but I put one finger to my lips。 Is she sleeping? I murmured。 Bella s eyes snapped open and focused on my face。 They widened momentarily; and then narrowed in anger or suspicion。 I remembered that I had a role to play; so I smiled at her as if nothing unusual had happened this morning besides a blow to her head and a bit of imagination run wild。 Hey; Edward; Tyler said。 I m really sorry I raised one hand to halt his apology。 No blood; no foul; I said wryly。 Without thinking; I smiled too widely at my private joke。 It was amazingly easy to ignore Tyler; lying no more than four feet from me; covered in fresh blood。 I d never understood how Carlisle was able to do that ignore the blood of his patients in order to treat them。 Wouldn t the constant temptation be so distracting; so dangerous ? But; now I could see how; if you were focusing on something else hard enough; the temptation was be nothing at all。 Even fresh and exposed; Tyler s blood had nothing on Bella s。 I kept my distance from her; seating myself on the foot of Tyler s mattress。 So; what s the verdict? I asked her。 Her lower lip pushed out a little。 There s nothing wrong with me at all; but they won t let me go。 How e you aren t strapped to a gurney like the rest of us? Her impatience made me smile again。 I could hear Carlisle in the hall now。 It s all about who you know; I said lightly。 you。 But don t worry; I came to spring I watched her reaction carefully as my father entered the room。 Her eyes widened and her mouth actually fell open in surprise。 I groaned internally。 Yes; she d certainly noticed the resemblance。 So; Miss Swan; how are you feeling? Carlisle asked。 He had a wonderfully soothing beside manner that put most patients at ease within moments。 I couldn t tell how it affected Bella。 I m fine; she said quietly。 Carlisle clipped her Xrays to the lightboard by the bed。 Your Xrays look good。 Does your head hurt? Edward said you hit it pretty hard。 She sighed; and said; I m fine; again; but this time impatience leaked into her voice。 Then she glowered once in my direction。 Carlisle stepped closer to her and ran his fingers gently over her scalp until he found the bump under her hair。 I was caught off guard by the wave of emotion that crashed over me。 I had seen Carlisle work with humans a thousand times。 Years ago; I had even

assisted him informally though only in situations where blood was not involved。 So it wasn t a new thing to me; to watch him interact with the girl as if he were as human as she was。 I d envied his control many times; but that was not the same as this emotion。 I envied him more than his control。 I ached for the difference between Carlisle and me that he could touch her so gently; without fear; knowing he would never harm her She winced; and I twitched in my seat。 my relaxed posture。 Tender? Carlisle asked。 Her chin jerked up a fraction。 Not really; she said。 She didn t I had to concentrate for a moment to keep Another small piece of her character fell into place: she was brave。 like to show weakness。 Possibly the most vulnerable creature I d ever seen; and she didn t want to seem weak。 A chuckle slid through my lips。 She shot another glare at me。 Well; Carlisle said。 Your father is in the waiting room you can go home with him now。 But e back if you feel dizzy or have trouble with your eyesight at all。 Her father was here? I swept through the thoughts in the crowded waiting room; but I couldn t pick his subtle mental voice out of the group before she was speaking again; her face anxious。 Can t I go back to school? Maybe you should take it easy today; Carlisle suggested。 Her eyes flickered back to me。 Does he get to go to school? Act normal; smooth things over ignore the way it feels when she looks me in the eye Someone has to spread the good news that we survived; I said。 Actually; Carlisle corrected; most of the school seems to be in the waiting room。 I anticipated her reaction this time her aversion to attention。 disappoint。 Oh no; she moaned; and she put her hands over her face。 I liked that I d finally guessed right。 Do you want to stay? Carlisle asked。 No; no! she said quickly; swinging her legs over the side of the mattress and sliding down till her feet were on the floor。 She stumbled forward; offbalance; into Carlisle s arms。 He caught and steadied her。 Again; the envy flooded through me。 I was beginning to understand her She didn t

I m fine; she said before he could ment; faint pink in her cheeks。 Of course; that wouldn t bother Carlisle。 dropped his hands。 He made sure she was balanced; and then Take some Tylenol for the pain; he instructed。 It doesn t hurt that bad。 Carlisle smiled as he signed her chart。 lucky。 It sounds like you were extremely Lucky Edward She turned her face slightly; to stare at me with hard eyes。 happened to be standing next to me。 Oh; well; yes; Carlisle agreed quickly; hearing the same thing in her voice that I heard。 She hadn t written her suspicions off as imagination。 Not yet。 All yours; Carlisle thought。 Handle it as you think best。 Neither human heard me。 Thanks so much; I whispered; quick and quiet。 Carlisle s lips turned up a tiny bit at my sarcasm as he turned to Tyler。 I m afraid that you ll have to stay with us just a little bit longer; he said as he began examining the slashes left by the shattered windshield。 Well; I d made the mess; so it was only fair that I had to deal with it。 Bella walked deliberately toward me; not stopping until she was unfortably close。 I remembered how I had hoped; before all the mayhem; that she would approach me This was like a mockery of that wish。 Can I talk to you for a minute? she hissed at me。 Her warm breath brushed my face and I had to stagger back a step。 Her appeal had not abated one bit。 Every time she was near me; it triggered all my worst; most urgent instincts。 Venom flowed in my mouth and my body yearned to strike to wrench her into my arms and crush her throat to my teeth。 My mind was stronger than my body; but only just。 Your father is waiting for you; I reminded her; my jaw clenched tight。 She glanced toward Carlisle and Tyler。 Tyler was paying us no attention at all; but Carlisle was monitoring my every breath。 Carefully; Edward。 I d like to speak to you alone; if you don t mind; she insisted in a low voice。 I wanted to tell her that I did mind very much; but I knew I would have to do this eventually。 I may as well get on with it。 I was full of so many conflicting emotions as I stalked out of the room; listening to her stumbling footsteps behind me; trying to keep up。 I had a show to put on now。 I knew the role I would play I had the character

down: I would be the villain。 I would lie and ridicule and be cruel。 It went against all my better impulses the human impulses that I d clung to through all these years。 I d never wanted to deserve trust more than in this moment; when I had to destroy all possibility of it。 It made it worse to know that this would be the last memory she would have of me。 This was my farewell scene。 I turned on her。 What do you want? I asked coldly。 She cringed back slightly from my hostility。 expression that had haunted me Her eyes turned bewildered; the You owe me an explanation; she said in a small voice; her ivory face blan
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