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to e。 Why did it choose to shine now? With a sigh; I ducked out her window before it was light enough for anyone to see me here。 I meant to stay in the thick forest by her house and see her off to school; but when I got into the trees; I was surprised to find the trace of her scent lingering on the trail there。 I followed it quickly; curiously; being more and more worried as it led deeper into the darkness。 What had Bella been doing out here? The trail stopped abruptly; in the middle of nowhere in particular。 She d gone just a few steps off the trail; into the ferns; where she d touched the trunk of a fallen tree。 Perhaps sat there I sat where she had; and looked around。 All she would have been able to see was ferns and forest。 It had probably been raining the scent was washed out; having never set deeply into the tree。
Why would Bella have e to sit here alone and she had been alone; no doubt about that in the middle of the wet; murky forest? It made no sense; and; unlike those other points of curiosity; I could hardly bring this up in casual conversation。 So; Bella; I was following your scent through the woods after I left your room where I d been watching you sleep Yes; that would be quite the ice breaker。 I would never know what she d been thinking and doing here; and that had my teeth grinding together in frustration。 Worse; this was far too much like the scenario I d imagined for Emmett Bella wandering alone in the woods; where her scent would call to anyone who had the senses to track it I groaned。 Not only did she have bad luck; but she courted it。 Well; for this moment she had a protector。 I would watch over her; keep her from harm; for as long as I could justify it。 I suddenly found myself wishing that Peter and Charlotte would make an extended stay。
8。 Ghost I did not see much of Jasper s guests for the two sunny days that they were in Forks。 I only went home at all so that Esme wouldn t worry。 Otherwise; my existence seemed more like that of a specter than a vampire。 I hovered; invisible in the shadows; where I could follow the object of my love and obsession where I could see her and hear her in the minds of the lucky humans who could walk through the sunlight beside her; sometimes accidentally brushing the back of her hand with their own。 She never reacted to such contact; their hands were just as warm as hers。 The enforced absence from school had never been a trial like this before。 But the sun seemed to make her happy; so I could not resent it too much。 Anything that pleased her was in my good graces。 Monday morning; I eavesdropped on a conversation that had the potential to destroy my confidence and make the time spent away from her a torture。 As it ended up; though; it rather made my day。 I had to feel some little respect for Mike Newton; he had not simply given up and slunk away to nurse his wounds。 He had more bravery than I d given him credit for。 He was going to try again。 Bella got to school quite early and; seeming intent on enjoying the sun while it lasted; sat at one of the seldom used piic benches while she waited for the first bell to ring。 Her hair caught the sun in unexpected ways; giving off a reddish shine that I had not anticipated。 Mike found her there; doodling again; and was thrilled at his good luck。 It was agonizing to only be able to watch; powerless; bound to the forest s shadows by the bright sunlight。 She greeted him with enough enthusiasm to make him ecstatic; and me the opposite。 See; she likes me。 She wouldn t smile like that if she didn t。 I bet she wanted to go to the dance with me。 Wonder what s so important in Seattle He perceived the change in her hair。 it。 I never noticed before your hair has red in I accidentally uprooted the young spruce tree my hand was resting on when he pinched a strand of her hair between his fingers。 Only in the sun; she said。 To my deep satisfaction; she cringed away from him slightly when he tucked the strand behind her ear。 It took Mike a minute to build up his courage; wasting some time on small talk。 She reminded him of the essay we all had due on Wednesday。 From the faintly smug expression on her face; hers was already done。 He d forgotten altogether; and that severely diminished his free time。 Dang stupid essay。 Finally he got to the point my teeth were clenched so hard they could have pulverized granite and even then; he couldn t make himself ask the question
outright。 I was going to ask if you wanted to go out。 Oh; she said。 There was a brief silence。 Oh? What does that mean? Is she going to yes? Wait I guess I didn t really ask。 He swallowed hard。 Well; we could go to dinner or something and I could work on it later。 Stupid that wasn t a question either。 Mike The agony and fury of my jealousy was every whit as powerful as it had been last week。 I broke another tree trying to hold myself here。 I wanted so badly to race across the campus; too fast for human eyes; and snatch her up to steal her away from the boy that I hated so much in this moment I could have kill him and enjoyed it。 Would she say yes to him? I don t think that would be the best idea。 I breathed again。 My rigid body relaxed。 Shouldn t have asked。 What was I Seattle was just an excuse; after all。 thinking? Bet it s that freak; Cullen Why? he asked sullenly。 I think she hesitated。 And if you ever repeat what I m saying right now I will cheerfully beat you to death I laughed out loud at the sound of a death threat ing through her lips。 shrieked; startled; and launched itself away from me。 But I think that would hurt Jessica s feelings。 Jessica? What? But Oh。 Okay。 I guess So Huh。 A jay His thoughts were no longer coherent。 Really; Mike; are you blind? I echoed her sentiment。 She shouldn t expect everyone to be as perceptive as she was; but really this instance was beyond obvious。 With as much trouble as Mike had had working himself up to ask Bella out; did he imagine it wasn t just as difficult for Jessica? It must be selfishness that made him blind to others。 she saw everything。 And Bella was so unselfish;
Jessica。 Huh。 Wow。 Huh。 Oh; he managed to say。 Bella used his confusion to make her exit。 It s time for class; and I can t be late again。 Mike became an unreliable viewpoint from then on。 He found; as he turned the idea of Jessica around and around in his head; that he rather liked the thought of her finding him attractive。 It was second place; not as good as if Bella had felt that way。 She s cute; though; I guess。 Decent body。 A bird in the hand He was off then; on to new fantasies that were just as vulgar as the ones about Bella; but now they only irritated rather than infuriated。 How little he deserved either girl; they were almost interchangeable to him。 I stayed clear of his head after that。 When she was out of sight; I curled up against the cool trunk of an enormous madrone tree and I danced from mind to mind; keeping her in sight; always glad when Angela Weber was available to look through。 I wished there was someway to thank the Weber girl for simply being a nice person。 It made me feel better to think that Bella had one friend worth having。 I watched Bella s face from whichever angle I was given; and I could see that she was sad again。 This surprised me I thought the sun would be enough to keep her smiling。 At lunch; I saw her glance time and time again toward the empty Cullen table; and that thrilled me。 It gave me hope。 Perhaps she missed me; too。 She had plans to go out with the other girls I automatically planned my own surveillance but these plans were postponed when Mike invited Jessica out on the date he d planned for Bella。 So I went straight to her home instead; doing a quick sweep of the woods to make sure no one dangerous had wandered too close。 I knew Jasper had warned his oime brother to avoid the town citing my insanity as both explanation and warning but I wasn t taking any chances。 Peter and Charlotte had no intention of causing animosity with my family; but intentions were changeable things All right; I was overdoing it。 I knew that。 As if she knew I was watching; as if she took pity on the agony I felt when I couldn t see her; Bella came out to the backyard after a long hour indoors。 She had a book in her hand and a blanket under her arm。 Silent