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3 eclipse月食-第103部分

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were annihilated; the universe would turn to a mighty stranger。’” I nodded; again to myself。 “I know exactly 
what she means。 And I know who I can’t live without。” 
Edward took the book from my hands and flipped it across the room — it landed with a light thud on my 
desk。 He wrapped his arms around my waist。 
A small smile lit his perfect face; though worry still lined his forehead。 “Heathcliff had his moments; too;” 
he said。 He didn’t need the book to get it word perfect。 He pulled me closer and whispered inmy ear; “‘I 
cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!’” 
“Yes;” I said quietly。 “That’s my point。” 
“Bella; I can’t stand for you to be miserable。 Maybe 。 。 。” 
“No; Edward。 I’ve made a real mess of things; and I’m going to have to live with that。 But I know what I 
want and what I need 。 。 。 and what I’m going to do now。” 
“What are we going to do now?” 
I smiled just a bit at his correction; and then I sighed。 “We are going to go see Alice。” 

Alice was on the bottom porch step; too hyper to wait for us inside。 She looked about to break into a 
celebration dance; so excited was she about the news she knew I was there to deliver。 
“Thank you; Bella!” she sang as we got out of the truck。 
“Hold it; Alice;” I warned her; lifting a hand up to halt her glee。 “I’ve got a few limitations for you。” 
“I know; I know; I know。 I only have until August thirteenth at the latest; you have veto power on the 
guest list; and if I go overboard on anything; you’ll never speak to me again。” 
“Oh; okay。 Well; yeah。 You know the rules; then。” 
“Don’t worry; Bella; it will be perfect。 Do you want to see your dress?” 
I had to take a few deep breaths。 Whatever makes her happy; I said to myself。 
Alice’s smile was smug。 
“Um; Alice;” I said; keeping the casual; unruffled tone in my voice。 “When did you get me a dress?” 
It probably wasn’t much of a show。 Edward squeezed my hand。 
Alice led the way inside; heading for the stairs。 “These things take time; Bella;” Alice explained。 Her tone 
seemed 。 。 。 evasive。 “I mean; I wasn’t sure things were going to turn out this way; but there was a distinct 
possibility。 。 。 。” 
“When?” I asked again。 
“Perrine Bruyere has a waiting list; you know;” she said; defensive now。 “Fabric masterpieces don’t 
happen overnight。 If I hadn’t thought ahead; you’d be wearing something off the rack!” 
It didn’t look like I was going to get a straight answer。 “Per — who?” 
“He’s not a major designer; Bella; so there’s no need to throw a hissy fit。 He’s got promise; though; and 
he specializes in what I needed。” 
“I’m not throwing a fit。” 
“No; you’re not。” She eyed my calm face suspiciously。 Then; as we walked into her room; she turned on 
“You — out。” 
“Why?” I demanded。 
“Bella;” she groaned。 “You know the rules。 He’s not supposed to see the dress till the day of。” 
I took another deep breath。 “It doesn’t matter to me。 And you know he’s already seen it in your head。 But 
if that’s how you want it。 。 。 。” 
She shoved Edward back out the door。 He didn’t even look at her — his eyes were on me; wary; afraid 
to leave me alone。 
I nodded; hoping my expression was tranquil enough to reassure him。 
Alice shut the door in his face。 

“All right!” she muttered。 “C’mon。” 
She grabbed my wrist and towed me to her closet — which was bigger than my bedroom — and then 
dragged me to the back corner; where a long white garment bag had a rack all to itself。 
She unzipped the bag in one sweeping movement; and then slipped it carefully off the hanger。 She took a 
step back; holding her hand out to the dress like she was a game show hostess。 
“Well?” she asked breathlessly。 
I appraised it for a long moment; playing with her a bit。 Her expression turned worried。 
“Ah;” I said; and I smiled; letting her relax。 “I see。” 
“What do you think?” she demanded。 
It was my Anne of Green Gables vision all over again。 
“It’s perfect; of course。 Exactly right。 You’re a genius。” 
She grinned。 “I know。” 
“Nieeneighteen?” I guessed。 
“More or less;” she said; nodding。 “Some of it is my design; the train; the veil。 。 。 。” She touched the white 
satin as she spoke。 “The lace is vintage。 Do you like it?” 
“It’s beautiful。 It’s just right for him。” 
“But is it just right for you?” she insisted。 
“Yes; I think it is; Alice。 I think it’s just what I need。 I know you’ll do a great job with this 。 。 。 if you can 
keep yourself in check。” 
She beamed。 
“Can I see your dress?” I asked。 
She blinked; her face blank。 
“Didn’t you order your bridesmaid dress at the same time? I wouldn’t want my maid of honor to wear 
something off the rack。” I pretended to wince in horror。 
She threw her arms around my waist。 “Thank you; Bella!” 
“How could you not see that one ing?” I teased; kissing her spiky hair。 “Some psychic you are!” 
Alice danced back; and her face was bright with fresh enthusiasm。 “I’ve got so much to do! Go play with 
Edward。 I have to get to work。” 
She dashed out of the room; yelling; “Esme!” as she disappeared。 
I followed at my own pace。 Edward was waiting for me in the hallway; leaning against the woodpaneled 
“That was very; very nice of you;” he told me。 
“She seems happy;” I agreed。 
He touched my face; his eyes — too dark; it had been so long since he’d left me — searched my 
expression minutely。 
“Let’s get out of here;” he suddenly suggested。 “Let’s go to our meadow。” 
It sounded very appealing。 “I guess I don’t have to hide out anymore; do I?” 
“No。 The danger is behind us。” 
He was quiet; thoughtful; as he ran。 The wind blew on my face; warmer now that the storm had really 
passed。 The clouds covered the sky; the way they usually did。 
The meadow was a peaceful; happy place today。 Patches of summer daisies interrupted the grass with 
splashes of white and yellow。 I lay back; ignoring the slight dampness of the ground; and looked for pictures in 
the clouds。 They were too even; too smooth。 No pictures; just a soft; gray blanket。 
Edward lay next to me and held my hand。 
“August thirteenth?” he asked casually after a few minutes of fortable silence。 
“That gives me a month till my birthday。 I didn’t want to cut it too close。” 
He sighed。 “Esme is three years older than Carlisle — technically。 Did you know that?” 
I shook my head。 
“It hasn’t made any difference to them。” 
My voice was serene; a counterpoint to his anxiety。 “My age is not really that important。 Edward; I’m 
ready。 I’ve chosen my life — now I want to start living it。” 
He stroked my hair。 “The guest list veto?” 

“I don’t care really; but I 。 。 。” I hesitated; not wanting to explain this one。 Best to get it over with。 “I’m not 
sure if Alice would feel the need to invite 。 。 。 a few werewolves。 I don’t know if 。 。 。 Jake would feel like 。 。 。 
like he should e。 Like that’s the right thing to do; or that I’d get my feelings hurt if he didn’t。 He shouldn’t 
have to go through that。” 
Edward was quiet for a minute。 I stared at the tips of the treetops; almost black against the light gray of the 
Suddenly; Edward grabbed me around the waist and pulled me onto his chest。 
“Tell me why you’re doing this; Bella。 Why did you decide; now; to give Alice free reign?” 
I repeated for him the conversation I had with Charlie last night before I’d gone to see Jacob。 
“It wouldn’t be fair to keep Charlie out of this;” I concluded。 “And that means Renée and Phil。 I might as 
well let Alice have her fun; too。 Maybe itwill make the whole thing easier for Charlie if he gets his proper 
goodbye。 Even if he thinks it’s much too early; I wouldn’t want to cheat him out of the chance to walk me 
down the aisle。” I grimaced at the words; then took another deep breath。 “At least my mom and dad and my 
friends will know the best part of my choice; the most I’m allowed to tell them。 They’ll know I chose you; and 
they’ll know we’re together。 They’ll know I’m happy; wherever I am。 I think that’s the best I can do for 
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